
02005-06-22 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

I snapped a few photos while Kevin was setting up lights in Fresno last night. The colors and the blending reminded me of paintings by James Rosenquist. Click on Studios and select East Hampton, then click on the large painting at the bottom, called Horse Blinders. I spent many many hours in a room at the Ludwig Museum in Cologne staring at that painting when I was a teenager.

I uploaded photos large enough to serve as computer wallpaper. Just click on the above photo and then go to different sizes if you have a Flickr account. If you don’t have one, you should get one.

PS: found another photo of the painting HERE.


  1. carolo

    GR8 photo…I actually prefer it to the painting U mention! Good catch. Hoping 4 more along the same vein, such as things U might capture during soundcheck as well. Keep ’em coming, pls.

  2. Yumiko

    The color of lights show up in the banners. Beautiful.

    Nice links to James Rosenquist, too.


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