Banksy Hits NYC

02005-03-24 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

The work of street artist, graffiti writer, and over all mischievously impressive prankster ‘Banksy‘, never seizes to amaze me–but this time he really hit a home run. Banksy hit New York’s most famous museums, dressed as a British pensioner. He entered the Brooklyn Museum, The Metropolitan Museum of Art (shown above), and the Museum of Natural History, carrying some unusual works to install. He installed his own works in each location, along with a name plaque and explanation. It seems from the pictures that he had no issues with security, and waltzed in and out without distraction. The pieces at the MET and MoMA were discovered after some time and taken down. The other two pieces still remain for the publics viewing. Goodness, what an excellent job.

More pictures and info @ Wooster Collective
(Via Josh Rubin: Cool Hunting)

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