I found this little practice neck (?) at a local fair somewhere in Switzerland about 11 years ago. There is no label or brand on it anywhere and I assume that a local person makes these. Very useful for practicing rasguados on the go. I have received many evil looks for playing this thing on airplanes…
I have always wondered why I have never seen another one of these anywhere, as they are very useful. Click on the photo to go to my Flickr photostream, where I have posted another view of this thing.
That’s a really cool idea!! Interesting that it’s so rare–I’m sure you’re right that it’s from a local artisan. But shh! Nestlé might hear you and decide to mass produce them! They’ll put the bottled water division on it.
Too cool! I was looking for something like that about a year ago – couldn’t find anything so I took an old board drilled 6 holes in each end and ran wire between the holes for strings. It worked OK for practicing chord changes – although it didn’t produce any sound. Well, I had my bag searched at the airport on one trip – the agent pulled out my device and held it up for the world to laugh at while questioning me what it was for. I haven’t taken it on a trip since.
Wait, wait, I’m getting two totally different impressions from you two here–is it for practicing the left or right hand? Actually, looks like it could work for both…
Ralph Towner mentioned having a similar Practice board in some article I think he had it made specially