It is true of every Art

02005-01-23 | Uncategorized | 7 comments

It is true of every art that you cannot acquire what you have not felt.
– Gustie Herrigel

I read this yesterday and thought how especially appropriate it is for both the musician and the listener. I tried to find out more about the author and discovered that Gustie Herrigel wrote a book called Zen in the Art of Flower Arranging in the Fifties. She had formal training in the art in Japan in the twenties. She writes:

If he (the beginner) wants to penetrate to its roots (of flower arrangement), he will be forced to decide whether he was attracted only by the artistic and aesthetic elements, or whether he seeks to experience the all-embracing, total nature of this art…


  1. djalisgypsy

    Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.

    ~ Red Auerbach ~

  2. Carol

    And some few artists like Ottmar feel things so deeply, they can take within them the essence of other people and places from now and the past as if it were their own. extraordinary geniuses…and we all are enriched.

  3. Panj

    Hear! Hear! to all three comments!!!

  4. djalisgypsy

    It’s amazing how I discovered this site, as I was looking to buy one of Ottmar’s CD’s. It would be a replacement for the one I left at my camp by mistake. At any rate, not only does his music completely touch my soul, I discovered he is truly a beautiful and intersting soul. Growing up with music around me all the time, for my Dad, and Uncles were all musicians. I know many people in the Music industry, a few are famous, and truly love thier art and love music in general. Lots of these people are wonderful people and extremely talented. However, none of them have a site like this. To me it is just amazing, I am deeply touched when I look around here. This is complete sincerity, art and love. I agree with your comment Carol. Ottmar, you are a truly amazing individual!

  5. Carol

    One of those mishaps with positive results right? Others are learning about Ottmar’s music because you forgot it at camp, and you found this blog, and it is amazing isn’t it……

  6. djalisgypsy

    It also taught me how to blog lol! I started to design my site with my pics. Check out latcho drom, I am posting my pics, hopefully tonight I will add my profile. All this from visiting Ottmars site. Thanks Ottmar and Thanks Carol!


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