Change is good

02005-01-04 | Uncategorized | 4 comments

Music: Chet Baker with Strings – Chet Baker

You might have noticed that I made some minor changes to the look of the Diary. Nothing major. I did start to bring some of the old posts into Blogger and finished all of the posts for 1999 and 2000. Canton has not been able to devise a way to bring the old posts into Blogger and I decided I will just do it manually. It’s fun to read some of the old posts. This one strikes me, for example and this one!

I am afraid 2002, 2003 and 2004 are going to take a while as I wrote a lot more…

Blogger seeems to think nothing existed prior to 1999. I am inquiring at Google as to how I can add posts from 1993-1998… Hopefully there is a work-around…


  1. dave

    I found the 1/3/1 post interesting. It brought to mind 2 cd’s that I have. One is a Japanese man (cant’ remember name or title)playing a bamboo flute and the other is by an artist named David Mott playing solo baritone sax. Both are simple, one man/one instrument, but are such powerful music.

  2. Eric

    This is because Blogger didn’t exist before 1999. ;)

    We’re looking into it – appears to just be a UI thing…

    Will keep you posted,

  3. Matt Callahan

    Call me crazy but I like to go back through the old entries and read them over again. I’ve even printed some out.

  4. Panj

    Sir…I believe you have truly achieved beyond any other human on earth, the laying down of Music from the Soul…not just the human Soul, but that of the Bigger Soul…and you have given that Joy to us thru alllll the forms of you Music!!!…Yes Yes…:-)))…I love that even tho you are the ~best~…you don’t stop, you keep exploring and funneling…Danke sehr!!!…oh yea and Thanks for the entry from Feb 1…I had added an O and had you at Feb 10…:-)))…at least I had it in the top 1/3…:-)…and yes I agree…persona’s grow and change and parts shed…hopefully for the better, another good reminder…:-)))


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