Blu 102.9 – Our Vision

02004-11-01 | Uncategorized | 7 comments

Oh my god, how lame is THIS:

We believe there is a place
that lives within us all
It is a place of vision and
clarity, where the rhythm
of life moves in harmony
with a higher consciousness.
The purpose of our music
is to take you there.

This the Vision of Blu 102.9FM in Santa Fe… compare with the Higher Octave Music motto:

We believe there is a place that lives within us all
It is a place of vision and clarity, where the rhythm of
life moves in harmony with a higher consciousness.
The purpose of our music is to take you there.

Yep, a straight lift… not even an attempt at any change… Is a HOM executive involved in the radio station?


  1. Carolynn

    If it looks like crap, and it smells like crap, then it’s probably crap.

    That’s my deep philosophical gift for the day.

  2. Carol

    Wow! That’s funny. What a coincidence! It just came to this person in the middle of the night like a bolt from the blue…….or off an old higher Octave folder.
    You couldn’t get away with that anywhere in the world with the net being what it is. The world is being happily forced to be original in its thinking.

  3. Adam Solomon

    Oh, Ottmar, don’t be so harsh–Blu DID change the line spacing! :P

  4. J Michael Vidal

    “…..The purpose of our music is to take you there.”
    Aaah! OK…Let me guess…they will take me to the same place too.

  5. Matt Callahan

    Funnier still is that some twit at BLU 102.9’s advertising department stole this tripe and presented it as their own.

    I can hear it now, “Smithers, you’re a genius!”.

  6. Greg Hale

    Higher consciousness?
    You have to love the creativity…hope the radio station experiences better results in business than the results HOM has ended up with.

  7. Panj

    …LOL…too funny Adam…heehe…on the positive side…there IS that centered place inside us…and ***some*** music does help guide us there…can’t think of anyone that tops Ottmar in that field!…:-)))


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