Hotels give away loaded iPods…

02004-10-04 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

lasventanas.jpg image

Looks like a new trend in hotels and resorts is to offer up a pre-loaded iPod for guests to use during their stay. Some places, like the Las Ventanas al Paraiso in Los Cabos, Mexico, gives poolside guests loaded iPods for maxing and/or relaxing, while a hotel in Hong Kong hands out iPod minis to those madmen who actually exercise while on vacation.

I wonder, though, with all those pre-loaded iPods, if they’re purchasing the songs per-iPod, or just loading them all from pre-ripped CDs. I think we all know which option is more likely—now who’s going to bust them? If the RIAA will sue 12 year-olds, they’ll sue hotels, right? They should at least send in a strike force to inspect for compliance.

iPods over Los Cabos [HotelChatter]
iPod Archives [Gizmodo]

Excellent point. I agree!


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