
02004-09-18 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

This is an RSS feed for all Flickr photos tagged WORDS. Here is the web page for people w/o RSS reader.


  1. Carol

    I thought I might like to find out what RSS is so I found it on
    uh…sure that’s easy…It stands for Really Simple Stuff….NOT!
    Okay, so as usual I just went ahead and clicked and got lots of nice pictures and will remain my blissful ignorant self. Some things are best left to the Ottmar’s and his kind and I’ll just reap the benefits :)

  2. victoria

    Sorry to interrupt here, but I don’t know if you read recent comments to older posts. THANKS for adding the Atlanta date! Not sure how familiar you are with that theater’s area of town, but there is a little place tucked away across the street and up a few doors called Miro’s Garden. Funky urban garden with nice tapas. I was there last week with a friend I met ultimately because of you. Enjoy if you get the chance.


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