02004-08-24 | Uncategorized | 5 comments

Today La Semana is in music stores. I celebrated with lunch at Maria’s here in Santa Fe and afterwards I went online to to check on the album. The album is shipping today and this putz had already posted a customer review, which was really blatend spam for another artist, who he claimed was much more interesting. Being open-minded I checked out that artist, somebody named Mehdi. Apparently Mehdi is a keyboardist – and he makes Yanni sound like an adventurous fusion musician. This is exactly what I am against… artist hiring boneheads like this so-called customer-reviewer to spam amazon. If this is the future, I want nothing to do with it.


  1. Victor

    After reading this I just had to pop over to Amazon and check out the so called “review”. Yep, quite a spam and cheese casserole that guy cooked up! So I did a little detective work, looked up this Mehdi guy on Amazon. Followed the review links and found they had done the same thing to one of Yanni’s albums under a different name – only thing is that the text of the review was exactly the same as the one for La Semana!

    So, I exercised some of Amazon features for both the La Semana review and the Yanni review. First I hit the “Was this review helpful to you?” “No” button. Then I clicked the “Report this” link and reported it as inappropriate. Guess we’ll see if the good folks at Amazon are paying attention!

    Anyway, guess there’s always going to be some @hole trying to manipulate the system. I can only imagine how frustrating that is for the artist being exploited. Oh well, if you want a good laugh go over to the Mehdi site and read the “Media Reviews”.

  2. Adam Solomon

    Oy…some people. Well, don’t worry, we’re here to make some REAL reviews to push trash like this to the bottom :D And hey, you said “putz”! Go OL :)

  3. Borya

    Go to now, it looks much different. A few people have been at work. I went there to read this Mehdi comment, but then… well, see yourself. And give me one more day from now on and then check

  4. Borya

    Go to now, it looks much different. A few people have been at work. I went there to read this MEhdi comment, but then… well, see yourself. And give me one more day from now on and then check

  5. Danny

    Well, there’s always gonna be cheaters and I was tempted to write some scathing review of Mehdi but, to be perfectly fair, it is possible that Mehdi is a struggling artist trying to make it and the spam was done without his knowledge. So I too had to check this guy out. My advice to Mehdi would be to not have the 30 sample of his music available. It sounded like a kid playing one of the pre-programmed tracks on a $99 Casio at Toys-R-Us. Hey, I like pseudo-trancendental elevator music as much as the next guy, but, if I heard this in the dentist’s office, I’d have to ask for extra laughing gas. No reason to be angry, Ottmar, 1) Your fans are too intelligent to not recognize blatant spam and 2) His music samples guarantee none will ever buy his CDs.


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