Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch

01999-04-17 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Performed in Auckland on Tuesday. Review in the local newspaper was very favorable I thought. It’s so hard to read these reviews. Many critics seem to try to cover themselves in all directions. Maybe they should just use a rating sytem from 1 to 5 like most movie critics do. That reminds me of home…
The newspaper in SFe uses chilis for the rating… up to five chilis… and an onion for a stinker of a movie. Did loads of promotion on Wednesday. Flew to Wellington and performed there last Night. Wasn’t terribly thrilled by our performance, but met a guy who had driven 500 kilometers to see us… he had enjoyed our show very much, which made me happy.
Today we are in Christchurch. Read a fantastic new book by Bruce Sterling: ‘Distraction’. Discussed Ken Wilber with Jon and Ron over lunch. Tried to download photos from my electronic camera, but failed somehow. Photos of the Auckland arrival hall and of the band and crew and of a storm in Wellington will have to wait until I get home – or figure out why the program I have used so many times is not interfacing with the camera.
Very cold here… only 35F when we arrived. Warmer in Australia we hope. After lunch we made a beeline to cafe Roma, which we remembered from our last trip here in 1996. The hot chocolate was excellent, but the cappuccino was not at all what I remembered…


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