Atlanta, Georgia

01996-04-14 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Ron + i played 3 songs @ a Borders store in Atlanta 2day… wonderful audience of a couple hundred people… i found a book a the store called ‘The Third Eye’ that sheds more light on the visual society…

‘There are three times as many nerve connections between the ear and the brain as between the eye and the brain.’

– in other words our ears r FAR MORE accurate than our eyes…

in another section of the book the author quotes a psychologist who worked w the deaf as well as w the blind as noting that the athmosphere among the deaf was much harsher w more fighting + looks that could kill whereas the blind were more concerned w each other, more helpful + assured…

elsewhere he describes research by a group of psychiatrists that showed that violence + other crime was much lower in a certain town in the Rock Mountains that had radio, but because of the surrounding mountains could not receive any TV, compared to towns of similar size and location that had TV…

now if we think about this in4mation we can figure out how the world has changed + how it has arrived @ this present day violence… y families, groups, societies r so fractured…

i propose that there might be a direct relationship between TV and the increase of violence, NOT because of content but because of the MEDIUM itself, which invites absolute passivity…

there certainly is a relationship between TV and ADD (Attention Deficiency Disorder) in children…

listening brings the world in2 us whereas seeing places us in the world… SEE + go outside/outward or LISTEN + go inside/inward…

the gr8 mystics heard voices, they didn’t read cue cards or teleprompters…


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