I wake up in Pompano Beach. The sun is shining, but it is not 2 hot + humid. I take a walk while everybody else still sleeps. Can’t find any coffee place + Buddie decides we should cruise the town w the bus. He unhitches the trailer + we leave in search of coffee. We finally find a place called Gourmet Bagel + Coffee + get some coffee there.
On the way back 2 the theater I get dropped off @ a Sound Warehouse where I buy 5 CDs: Billy Cobham’s “Spectrum”, One Dove, U.F.O.rb, some ambient collection by Wax Trax (!) + a CD by a group called Orbital.
I take a walk down 2 the beach, along the beach + back that takes about 2 hours while the crew is loading in + setting up. No magazine shops, no real coffee houses. Some beautiful women on the beach + some of those old lizards. 60-70 year old women baking in the sun w little white cups on their eyes, their skin looking like ancient cracked leather.
I shave my head + try the #1 setting which turns out 2 B a little extreme. It might surprise the Epic honchos on Monday + illustrate our point of needing a little time off. I haven’t even had time 2 go 2 the dentist!
The show turns out good, once we get used 2 people walking around, getting beers, talking a little etc… @ the end we get a standing ovation. After the encore I get a note from Calvin, that says a Bob Gross from Darkworld is in the audience. It’s Bob from The Dark. He says they even got 2gether 4 a 10 year reunion gig a few months back + the Young Snakes w Aimee Mann opened up 4 them. Bob Familiar married the Persian girl Mandy I went out with for a while + has 2 kids w her. She graduated as an engineer from Northeatern University. Memories, memories… I told Bob 2 stay in touch via the address on the back of the last 2 albums.
On the way 2 the bus the Pompano Beach City Commissioner said Hello + invited us 2 go Deep Sea fishing w him the nex time we R in town… as if…