Wednesday in Santa Fe

A day filled with mundane tasks, dealing with garbage and recycling, cleaning, doing dishes, putting fresh armor on my nails (((I gave my nails a rest after Jon and I returned from the private performance in New York and took a week off of guitar-playing))) and playing guitar… all the while thinking about Bella, my Tibetan Mastiff.

The old girl, born in 1997, has a nasty open tumor on her back and we will soon have to decide what’s best for her.

Maybe inspired by Bella’s fate, I have had great conversations with Roshi Joan and others about end-of-life. Surely death is as big a deal for any life as birth is, but we don’t seem to talk about it much and most people would rather forget about it.

Anyway, I won’t go into it because, well, you signed up for music, not for my writing about death, which you might find morbid.

Here is another happy-Bella-pic: