Tuesday Music

Still no answer from Bias/Peak, so I used the free Audacity application. Nice application and you can’t beat the price! Highly recommended.

Here is my rough mix of Kites Over the Playa, made right after I recorded my guitar parts – presented here with Matthew’s permission. You can find the final version on Matthew Schoenings beautiful album The Art of Live Looping – available from his website and our ListeningLounge.

You can download the high quality 320kbps file here.

And yes, the title was inspired by Matt’s visit to Burning Man.

Playing with Time

Top: 1.4 aperture, shallow DOF.
Middle: used a small strobe (((resting on a roll of gaffer tape, of course))) – each of the little blue points reflected on the second and third fret is a flash from the strobe
Bottom: used the strobe here as well, but the left hand moved less. I like what the bass strings look like in this one