Rain Melody V2

02023-03-20 | Rain Music | 1 comment

I kept some of the rain sounds I played guitar to, but also added some other rain and river sounds. I used a reverb that Eric Schermerhorn recommended to me, the Valhalla Super Massive. I mean, how could a reverb called Valhalla Super Massive NOT be awesome?!?!

If you want to check it out – link to Valhalla.

Get ready for luscious clouds of reverb, otherworldly delays, and swelling waves of feedback unlike any you’ve heard before.

I quite like how this one is shaping up.

Link to the V1 of Rain Melody.

1 Comment

  1. Robin

    Love v2. I like the “softer” approach to the water element. Feels more in harmony. Beautiful.


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