Here are a few photos I took as they were setting up the stage, before soundcheck. I enjoyed the performance. Mistakes were made but there were also some fine moments. The conductor Roberto Minczuk, a Brazilian, did a great job with the orchestra. Jon’s arrangements were wonderful and I took the time to enjoy the intros he wrote for Waiting in Vain, Snakecharmer, and Barcelona Nights. And it is always a huge pleasure to play at Popejoy, which sounds fantastic.
Short Video I took while Jon and the conductor were going over the score.
I thoroughly enjoyed the performance and Popejoy is a wonderful venue! Nice to see a full house. My friend lives just blocks from the University and we walked which made for a perfect evening. Heading back to Houston tomorrow and have selected some tunes from Saturday as favorites for the long drive back.
I thought “Santa Fe” was especially magnificent. All of you, including the orchestra, were completely attuned to each other, and each component was inspired. I was delighted to see the big smiles on your faces.
I loved Black Rose with the orchestration _ sheer beauty!
Barcelona Nights was outstanding. The man next to me was almost out of his seat, dancing vigorously with his shoulders and just loving it.
It was thrilling to hear your beloved melodies and chords soaring in the orchestra. In Barcelona Nights, I enjoyed the orchestra playing the famous opening theme before you joined them.
An inspired and fulfilling evening!