Met Rahim at 1400. After some coffee, and after another patron accidentally toppled the oud case – the crash was loud but the instrument was unharmed – we drove to my hotel, where we talked and played some music. I wonder how many guests wondered about the sounds emanating from my room, the guitar, the oud, and occasionally Rahim singing.
>I wonder how many guests wondered about the sounds emanating from my room, the guitar, the oud, and occasionally Rahim singing.
I have wondered many times why I have such a strong preference for “fretless” instruments. My ear just seems to gravitate there. The oud is so amazing in this regard.
There are many intervals where a fretless instrument can sound more in tune. Some of the notes during the Snakecharmer intro would not sound as great on the fretted bass. So, maybe that’s why you prefer fretless instruments.