It was already 0800 when I left the flat for a walk. It was still under 70° and the high temperature would be 87° this afternoon. Now or never. I walked through the familiar streets of the immediate neighborhood and then took a turn, crossed a street I hadn’t crossed before. I followed my nose down a street that offered shade from trees planted in the middle. How I love tree-lined streets. Then I turned here and there and started thinking about walking. There is walking for exercise and there is walking for the pure enjoyment of walking. Walking for exercise CAN be accomplished on a treadmill or by walking around a circular course, but walking for pleasure is an art. I do believe one can walk for exercise AND pleasure and from this combination one derives more benefit than from exercise alone. There is the wellbeing of muscles and then there is the wellbeing of the entire human. While walking for pleasure one’s eyes are allowed to roam, while walking for exercise alone requires one’s eyes to remain on the goal — the distance and speed to be achieved. The roaming eyes find rhythm and harmony, lines and color, and the mind is allowed, encouraged even, to relate by creating mental connections.
I noticed that the unfamiliar street connected to a familiar one and that a cafe, which I had wanted to try but was always too crowded for me to bother, was located up ahead. When I arrived it was 0903 and the cafe was nearly empty, having opened at 0900. I ordered a cortado and sat down outside to write this post.
I agree walking encourages all kinds of thinking. Not long ago, when walking familiar paths, I began to turn my attention to my feet and legs. I noticed I was sort of shuffling along. I made an effort to begin a step with a forward motion in my hip, then lift that leg to a nice height. Next – flex that foot back, stretching the calf, and land solidly on my heel. That feels so good!
Then, I feel the bottom of my foot gently taking hold of the ground,, followed by strongly bending at the ball of the foot to give my toes a good stretch. All the while consciously keeping my posture straight and my head back, chin up. Ahhh! I hope my walk will begin to flow without my having to focus on each move.