Bob Day

02022-02-06 | Uncategorized | 26 comments

Today would have been Bob Marley’s 77th birthday. I played the album Exodus, which contains “Jammin” and “Waiting in Vain”. Which is your favorite Bob Marley tune?


  1. JaneParhamKatz

    I just love 3 LITTLE BIRDS and IS THIS LOVE.

  2. JaneParhamKatz

    I’m dancing around the house right now…to Bob!

    • Luna

      So many great songs, but favorite is Stir It Up☀️

      • Luna

        …2 more have to add
        *One Love, People Get Ready
        *Guava Jelly (Ka’au Crater Boys later Sped this one up a bit)

  3. Kristen Jikai


  4. Nancy

    I love Jammin and Is This Love. I have always been sorry I never got to see him perform.

  5. JaneParhamKatz

    Hey! I just got the thought that “Three Little Birds” leads you to think of “Three Little WORDS.”. Hahaha.

  6. NancyJ

    I’m a great fan of Bob Marley’s music but my favorite is easily Waiting In Vain, sometimes playing it on repeat. Although I know all the words to sing along I dare not do it aloud as I would ruin it instead I’ll just sway to the rhythm. Happy B’day to him and a big thanks to all the music he left for us to enjoy.

  7. Diran

    Hi,Waiting in Vain is my favorite. Finally we are plannig to come to see you whole family on 2/11/22

    Kids want to take a picture with You ,Is it possible??

    • ottmar

      No, it’s not possible. I understand why many want to forget that there is a pandemic but I cannot. If I take a picture with you there will be others who want a picture. I am glad we can finally do a little tour and if I get sick it’s not just me that loses out, it’s also the other musicians and the audiences we cannot perform for. I already said the same thing in my email to you and my answer will continue to be no.

      • Diran

        I,m so soory it is my mistake. See you guys at the show.

  8. anne

    Yeah – what an interesting / amazing artist. Tks for posting
    So unfortunate losing him. So sad.

    (happy belated birthday !)

  9. Doc

    Just one?

    Lively Up Yourself, the Natty Dread version.

  10. Rusty Knorr
    Worth doing a little background research into Mr Peace and Love. Maybe the art is not the artist (a lot of movie stars and producers come to mind), but it’s hard for me to listen to him knowing what I’ve learned about some of his background.

    • anne

      There are many unanswered questions about his background and death(he suffered a terrible death)…. Makes him a very interesting & complicated man.

      I know some of the stories.
      I have been to Jamaica a few times too.
      It’s fun music!
      Is it full of love and peace?….I don’t know but I like to believe he tried.

      WE are a paradox.

    • ottmar

      No, Rusty, you don’t get to cancel Bob Marley. You are a troll.

      • Rusty Knorr

        No one is erasing anyone. But knowing about the character of the people we admire is important. Whether it’s politicians, music hero’s, or the people we choose as friends (or music collaborators), we should know who they actually are, and not just what we idealize them to be. Providing a source for information, whether it’s Snopes or a silly podcast, is not trolling, and I’m hurt and disappointed you would choose to think that, especially knowing and having worked with me.

        • ottmar

          You could have given us the name of your favorite Bob Marley tune. That would have been simple, easy and appreciated. Instead you linked to a podcast that basically called Marley a murderer. You just called a man a murderer and that’s okay but when I call you a troll you are upset? If you can’t take a little pushback perhaps you shouldn’t have linked to that claim.

          • Rusty Knorr

            Again, I’m going to correct you since you twice now have put words into my mouth that I didn’t say. I called NO ONE a murderer. In fact, I’m not the one calling names here. I simply offered a source for background information, which you could take or leave, that’s totally up to you. You could have debated the information instead of “pushing back” by name calling. But, that’s what Americans do when they hear something they don’t agree with, even if it’s truth (which I have no idea if this is, I wasn’t there). If you have information to the contrary, please share it with me because I LIKE to be informed and educated. If I’m wrong I WANT to know and I’ll freely admit it without shame. Based on the information I have I don’t listen to Bob anymore (never was a big fan anyway), I don’t play the old Bill Cosby records (I grew up listening to him and watching his shows, I was a huge fan), I don’t watch Harvey Weinstein movies (although there are many I used to love), and that’s my choice. Listen to and watch whoever you like, it makes no difference to me. But make an educated choice, do your own research. And don’t shoot the messenger. I expected better from you than hero worship, name calling, and having a closed mind.
            I’m done with this conversation, I’m not taking part in the negativity any further.

  11. JaneParhamKatz

    Just feel good,
    Right this very minute.
    Your problems will
    Surrender their solutions.

    Face the light, Baby!

    • anne

      Jane – think there is truth in those words. –

      “Every little thing is gonna be alright” – is all i want to listen to now.

      • JaneParhamKatz


  12. anne

    Good thread.

    I keep an online journal and each day I review previous years posts for the same day.

    today, (part of a longer post), reads ….

    “The “oneness” of that Life which is beyond space and time breaks apart in man’s ego-consciousness into two poles – one, the historical world which, being subject to laws of space and time, can be understood and mastered; and two, Transcendental Being, which cannot been compassed by space and time and is beyond all ordinary understanding. Thus, inevitably,man experiences himself as a being standing between heaven and earth. He lives in a state of tension between two realities – the world, which confines him to latitude, longitude and duration, endangers his existence, tempts him with hopes of happiness, and demands his obedience to its laws; and the supernatural state of Being hidden within him and towards which, even unknowingly, he yearns. Ceaselessly striving to find the light, this Being calls him forth beyond the laws and boundaries of his little personal life, to the service of the Greater life”

    We all have shadow, hidden parts of self. It can be hard to own that part of self…even if the shadow is golden. .

    • JaneParhamKatz

      Hey, anne! Good good good!

  13. widgetgrr;

    my fave is Waiting in Vain.. thanks so much for loving what I love.. I miss you Ottmar.. yeah I left SFe. but i am not far!

    • ottmar

      You broke the orbit. Congrats. Locals don’t call it “The Land of Entrapment” for nothing. LOL


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