
02021-11-25 | Uncategorized | 13 comments

I bought this bag of coffee beans while I was in Santa Fe for the concert at the Lensic this month. The name is the title of an album by Miles Davis. That’s the only reason I chose this bag, because I knew nothing about the brand.

Would you buy coffee based on the title of an album? Which album title would entice you?

I didn’t love the coffee, by the way.


  1. Dave Kirschner

    I might try one if it was named St. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. ;-) & I’ll stick to the Bitches Brew album. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Luna

    How Creative! Love it!
    Yes, I would. I don’t really enjoy the taste of coffee, but love eating the roasted beans, taking in the aroma, and the cozy warm feeling that the smell brings☕.
    I think I would choose the album Dancing In The Sun, by the late saxophonist, George Howard. (I think he also played the clarinet)
    It feels to me that coffee can have similar energy effects on people as the titles and tempos of the songs! Great album!

    • Boris

      Nouveau Coffee –
      For the hours between night and day.

      (And it would taste great!)

  3. Luna

    …..And it feels that Your album, Euphoria, which has Havana Club, or album Borrasca could also be perfect names for your own blend of roasted delight of musical energy in a warm mug!

    • JaneParhamKatz

      I would buy TOSCA coffee, with suitable significant graphics.

      • ottmar

        Tosca the opera, yes. Although there is also Tosca the band.

        • JaneParhamKatz

          It’s a wonderful name. I love every moment of the opera, especially the aria the tenor sings the night before he is to face a firing squad, and says how much he has to live for. Of course, he is young and handsome! Utterly heartbreaking! Now, if a coffee could evoke that….

          • JaneParhamKatz

            I looked up Tosca the band, two Austrian fellows. I liked it; seemed totally electronic plus vocals. A sensational beat. I’d like to know how they picked Tosca as their name.

            That aria from Tosca the opera is “E lucevan le stelle” and the best tenor of all time past and future, Franco Corelli, can be found singing this on YouTube. Seeing him on a video is the best way; his looks make you think of Rock Hudson, and his voice is spectacular!

          • Boris

            Tosca is Richard Dorfmeister of Kruder & Dorfmeister fame. Worth searching for both names (Peter Kruder is the other) since they have published some nice albums (including their Private Collection compilations).

  4. Luna

    …ps..Euphoria would be a soothing blend and flavor, while Borrasca would be the zesty strong “wake you up” flavor!☕

  5. Anne

    Yes I would buy coffee (and other stuff) with an interesting tittle/logo.

    Got me thinking now. I like some of your song titles .

    (Mr. Davis tittle would be offense to many – have to have a global mindset)


  6. Will

    Dark Side of The Moon would be a delicious, chill journey of a cup of joe.

  7. James

    Maybe ‘Round Midnight


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