Has anyone listened to the snippet of The Sea Between in the previous diary entry and looked at the gif of the herd running at the same time? They look in sync at some point, kind of funny.
Had my 2nd jab of Pfizer beginning of July. Couldn’t travel to the US, though, even if I wanted. ;-) But will do some driving around between the French Atlantic coast and the Bavarian Alps this year. Cheers!
Moderna shot #2 for me this Friday. :-)
High five!
Nice. I get Moderna #2 in mid May
High five!
Yeah! Siss boom bah! I got my Second Moderna last Friday!
Ottmar, you diving thing! I love your Herd. You conceal your Horns very well! :-) :-) :-)
High five!
Meant DIVINE thing! My computer Keeps replacing my words with Nonsense.
Moo-yeah! J&J vaccinenaut here ;-)
High five!
Got my second Pfizer shot in March.
Has anyone listened to the snippet of The Sea Between in the previous diary entry and looked at the gif of the herd running at the same time? They look in sync at some point, kind of funny.
Had my 2nd jab of Pfizer beginning of July. Couldn’t travel to the US, though, even if I wanted. ;-) But will do some driving around between the French Atlantic coast and the Bavarian Alps this year. Cheers!