
02020-08-04 | Uncategorized | 15 comments

When in doubt, restart the computer! That’s what I did when I had audio problems at the beginning of the performance today. After the restart the audio worked fine. Maybe my struggle with equipment is actually a fun, or funny, segment of the broadcast?? I hope you stayed with me, because I think there were some nice moments of music after the restart.

Before the next live streaming performance, in four weeks, I will trial a couple of different software options. Maybe I’ll find something I can trust.

How did you like the older pieces I played today, like Surrender to Love and Heart Still/Beating? I hadn’t played Surrender in a long time… Maybe I can find some other pieces I haven’t performed in a while that I can play in four weeks.


  1. Dave Kirschner

    Glad I was finally able to “attend”. _/\_

  2. JaneParhamKatz

    I for one enjoyed witnessing your tech struggles. ;-) I loved the almost scary closeups of your pondering face! You said it – the music was better than ever after you got going. I am attached to your older pieces. SURRENDER 2 LOVE is a fave of mine, and your rendition today was on a high level of perfection and emotional intensity. Starting with about the third song, your playing was so smooth and expressive, an artistic and musical mesh akin to fine silk. As you say about learning to make bread, you get more and more familiar and skilled with the medium and your product gets better and better. I hope you keep streaming even after touring begins again.

    I love Borrasca, Bullfighter’s Dream, and those with a Cuban flare. Of course, Santa Fe beats in my heart. The bits from Vision 2020 are wonderful – I think you are still evolving.

    I will tell a story about Barcelona Nights when I come back. Gotta ho right now.

    • Melissa Madere

      That was the sexiest performance I’ve ever witnessed, bar none. (Ambrosia Paisley just lost her ranking.)

      Finely controlled tension coupled with masterful self-determination resulted in an edge so exquisite it left me confused that you’re a monk (is that even allowed?) as I sat three feet away watching on my cell phone, slack-jawed.

      I processed my feelings about this live stream all day, thinking I’d again find a deep appreciation for your perfect technique and delivery by morning…

      It’s now morning, and the fact remains: Perfection was wrapped in emotions that flew at us with precision like arrowheads made of rose petals.

      I’m so glad I’m a woman (its allowed, right?) and not a monk.

      For all who experience an adult failure to thrive, this performance is
      a cure.

      • JaneParhamKatz


    • Melissa Madere

      Jane, I’m glad to not be alone on this. It’s really difficult for me to be moved by much anymore, and my standards aren’t negotiable (working on flexibility).

      I believe that one of the reasons this performance was so sexy is OL’s humble attitude, even here in describing the hour as fun/funny…like a kid climbing a tree. He doesn’t seem to recognize the enormity of this performance. (I wanted to chat REBOOT but, like you, enjoyed seeing his furrowed brow Up Close. ;) as he tried to figure out the audio problem. During those moments we might have been in a fishbowl and he might have been looking for us. I knew then that if the sound returned it would be a thrilling performance, and it was.

      Reality is that his humility allows a power so raw, yet honed to such perfection, that it actually affects the chakra system (if one tunes in). My heart chakra cracked open a bit after being slammed shut decades ago.

      (Its appropriate to underscore the huge difference between sexy vs. sexual for other readers who may misinterpret.)

      When an edge is maintained so consistently that eventually a sizzling sun is part of the landscape, it doesn’t matter if it’s rising or setting. With it comes the reassurance of new life, of warmth, of sustenance, of trust and, of course, healing love. I think we’re meant to pass it on.

      I feel like a beautiful empty vessel after that performance.

      Jane, I’m happy you’re not a monk either.

      • JaneParhamKatz

        Melissa, it seems that Ottmar’s fans are super passionate about his music, and about Ottmar the man. He has done the work and has the divine gift. I love his spirituality. He seems to be someone who takes a thing all the way. And his photos are getting more and more spectacular. I love your posts here, Melissa. Thank you,

  3. Y.

    The sound quality was very nice and wonderful to see the songs performed.

  4. Will

    Embrace the imperfect in order to enjoy the perfect. You have to have both in order to realize either.

  5. Luz

    OMG–Why was I thinking this performance was on Thursday?! UGH! Another missed live streaming. :-(

  6. ottmar

    If I know that the sound is working next time I may pretend to play guitar, without actually making a sound… at least for a few moments. That would be a good joke. :-)

    Thanks for your encouraging comments. It is truly appreciated.

    • Melissa Madere

      Jane, you beautiful creature.

      Our short banter here has caused me to ponder my pulling away from social media several years ago. I’ve read your posts in the past and felt great hope that other beautiful creatures are all around me, unaware perhaps because I couldn’t see through a closed heart.

      Your welcoming and generous attitude is healing for me, as are Ottmar’s compositions. I believe he’s the finest composer living, and surely a master among masters long deceased. Its subjective and of course deeply personal in that my gut responds to his notes, melody and rhythms, like a baby feeling primitive urges while dancing in diapers…they “feel” it, they “get” it without understanding why. In the 80s it was my mind, in the 90s my heart, now my gut tells me what Hafiz knew all along:

      Find the man who can burn beneath the water. No other flame will cook the food you need.

      Perhaps we’re all flowers in a field that Ottmar waters while we rest. I find you to be a white daisy, my favorite.

      • JaneParhamKatz

        Dear Melissa, I think you must be a Bird of Paradise!

        • Melissa Madere

          My smile is so wide!

          (I’m listening to Dune.)

    • Melissa Madere

      We called it “air guitar” in the 80s. ; )

  7. B.

    I think the chat freaked out a little when you played Surrender. The audio is perfect.


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Concert Dates

Tue, Feb 11 2025 in Solana Beach, CA
@ Belly Up

Thu, Feb 13 2025 in Fontana, CA
@ Stage Red

Sat, Feb 15 2025 in Agoura Hills, CA
@ The Canyon Club

Sun, Feb 16 2025 in Santa Barbara, CA
@ Soho

Mon, Feb 17 2025 in Santa Cruz, CA
@ Rio Theater

Tue, Feb 18 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Wed, Feb 19 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s


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