Using a mailing list has never been a lot of fun for me. I guess I really don’t like the medium and have never been comfortable with it. I am also frustrated that only about half of the recipients of a list email actually open the email. I am not sure why people sign up for a mailing list when they don’t even want to look at it? One thing I don’t like about having a mailing list is that there are always some people who aggressively question why they are on the mailing list in the first place. You signed up, or maybe a friend of yours signed you up, because it is not in anyone’s interest for me to sneak someone onto my mailing list.
Mailing lists are expensive. I generally send out about ten list emails in a year at a cost of about $700. Lately, I have been thinking about alternatives. There are several obvious options.
1. You can check this blog/Diary from time to time to find out about what I am up to
2. You can use a RSS reader to subscribe to this diary and lots of other blogs and news – this one is excellent and so is this one
3. You can check the Tour page for my schedule
4. You can subscribe to Songkick – this seems to be very popular as over 26,000 are following me on Songkick
5. You can follow me on Twitter for announcements
I don’t think I am a good salesman and self-promotion is not something I enjoy.
What do you think? Are you subscribing to my mailing list? Is there something about a mailing list that you like? Can you think of reasons why I should continue using a mailing list? Thanks in advance for your comments.
For me, I don’t need your mailing list because it does repeat what I have read in the blog/Diary, and I know my way around to see the other pages on the Diary. It is fun to see an email from “ottmar,” but since it costs you that much, I would give it up.
Yours truly,
I agree due to costs and time involved…better to just end email list (I know everyone has said it already!).
But wanted to add that it is a delight to have the Live Stream experience and read the diary at times…….and I really hope that the September 2nd Santa Fe date works out for you as well……be well and look forward to future album :-)
Have been following you
For the past 30 years .
Don’t change please keep
Producing the music that
Touches are hearts and soul
I’ve been a fan since the mid-1990s and feel your music continues to deepen. Please focus on what you love!
I don’t know the size of your recipient list but your $60/month average for the ten campaigns you’re sending would be the point of comparison if you were shopping around. I manage mailing lists for several web clients using both Mailchimp and Sendgrid, twoof the larger email services out there. The former is better known because many WordPress websites use it but Sendgrid is less expensive. If you ever reconsider your mailing list decision, definitely shop your volume around since you might be able to dramatically reduce your costs. Or feel free to contact me and I can walk you through the process.
I enjoy the mailing list but had no idea it was so costly!
I like the emails because I take the pause in the day to read it and enjoy. I often don’t take the time to go looking for information on various artists etc. otherwise.
It is easier if it comes to me.
I also like to save them so I have the content.
For me, it seems more personal, like a note you write to a friend. That is valuable.
I was surprised to hear the cost. I imagine that has to do with having a server send the email.
I wish you’d keep writing but I’ve said that before.
I enjoyed being on the mailing list too, maybe for the perceived personal aspect. Not exactly sure, but given the expense, time to lose it. And, especially given all of the other options. You might consider one more mailing with “Final Edition!!” in the subject field. And, provide the options you’ve listed above for keeping in the loop, live stream dates, tour schedule, etc. It might be helpful to add your web address with an emphasis on checking the Tour Page. Also, add Instagram to the list. Wow, that’s a lot of options. Yeah, time to lose the mailing list. . . . :-)
I like your mailing list. I had no idea of the expense. I have gotten back into the habit of checking out your diary more often, but prior to that, the emails were the only way I knew of your concert dates.
I like the mailing list messages too, but for me it has mostly been a way to hear about updates to your tour schedule without having to think about checking the page.
The cost of the mailing list service seems excessive. Hopefully it translates to ticket sales.
You probably have a lot of fans who want to get tour notifications with minimal setup or checking sites. I’m intrigued by Songkick. Think I will create an account and see what kind of updates I get. That said, your mailing list messages have a personal touch which would be missed.
The mailing list for me is unnecessary. I keep a tiny OL icon on my bookmarks bar. it brings me directly to your diary. It’s nice to see that little peace, ottmar signature on an email occasionally but heck, if I have something to talk with you about I have no issue with sending you an email. You have never in 14 years failed to reply. (although I have still never tasted your bread). ;)
I remember well the subscription service diary. that was fun!
I enjoyed the emails but if the cost is not cost effective, I understand
I enjoy the emails but understand not wanting to spend 700. I went to concerts and bought cds because of the email. Wishing you the best. I love your music but will have to remember to look you up for updates not a fan of the other options.
I too love getting my mails from you and in these times especially, every kind gesture of effort is so appreciated. Having said that, I had no idea of the cost and certainly can just get acustomed to following you in another way. I too am not and have never been a fan of self promotion and feel like I “suck”at it, so if you are feeling less than joyful about doing the mail list I say go for it and drop the email list.
I’ll miss the emails but appreciate learning about the alternatives. I’m not surprised you don’t like self promotion and Anyway, I’d prefer you spent your time on music! I’ll keep up with you. Thanks
Hi Ottmar. You have mentioned in earlier emails that you believe that no one reads your emails and newsletters, but it seems that from the replies, that is not true. However, as you mentioned, the cost is really something to consider. Therefore, because you supplied other links to communicate and follow, I will respect your desire to stop the newsletters. I look forward to the new albums. Henry G, Medford, MA
We like the email service, but at a cost to you is not fair. Maybe a donation option with the overage going to a charity? Either way, we will follow you. Thank you for all the joy you have given us for over 25 years. Best wishes.
Thank you!
As others have said, I had no idea of the expense of a mailing list.
I love the mailing list for the sole reason that I love the distraction of seeing it pop up in my inbox. I stop what I’m doing. I open it up as soon as I see it. And I treat myself to some time out of my world where I can listen to your music and lose myself. It’s a welcomed escape and takes me on a trip somewhere. I close my eyes and imagine being at one of your concerts.
Same. Ottmar’s email is the only one of literally hundreds I get each day that I usually will open and read. If I don’t, it’s only because it got lost in the pile. I never remember to visit any website, but an email from someone I like will stop and get my attention.
I very much enjoyed the e-mails but understand why you give them up.
Getting updates of your activities and projects in whatever way is always a highlight.
If you want an email you can use to send you an email when there is a new blog post or if there is a new Twitter post. Also Twitter can send you email if a specific account post a new tweet.
Dear Ottmar, it is with anticipation when I see that I have an email from you. They are always enjoyed and so is your perspective for that particular day. You are kind enough to share a bit of music always and a picture of something that you care pass on to us.
Like others that have expressed the same, had no idea of the cost to you. That being said, I have always went to your website when there has been a void and I am curious as to what you are up to. You have given us other options to stay in touch, so yes, maybe one final email, but probably not necessary. I will keep up with you in one of the ways that you shared.
Thank you for the emails and like others have said, always great to have an email from you.
Stay well, stay safe, keep up your beautiful music. Music makes everything better in some way. :)
Do what makes you feel good. On another note Saint Rock is up for sale, closing I have to admit that it must have been the worst venue I ever saw you at. Love your shows at the Saban in BH
I liked the emails and always read them but they are expensive! Will follow either here or on twitter.
I got turned onto your music years back, late 90s perhaps. I waited endlessly for you to tour in Orlando or a nearby city. We moved to SC in 2006 and low and behold about 3-4 years later you toured in Orlando and other areas in Florida. Ugh. We are now in SC outside Greenville so I’ve kept my eyes open but always tell my friends about you when I see you are touring their areas. Love the music, especially now as I have become a 24/7 spousal caregiver. It keeps me calm so I can only thank you for that. BTW, I had no idea the cost of mass emailings so I truly do not blame you. Take care. Stay healthy. Rosemarie
As a musician, I’m a firm believer in, and prefer, email lists for a few different reasons.
1. Once you have my email address (which I’ve had since 1998) you can always reach me as long as I have the address. It doesn’t matter which social network comes and goes. The email stays.
2. I prefer email to a social network post as posts get lost, not populated, or you have to pay to reach your fans there. When you email me it goes to my inbox and I see it every time. Even if I can’t read it right then. Also, I don’t ever open ALL emails from the same sender as there are many reasons that come up. But I still want to be on the list.
3. Email should be free. There is no reason, in 2020, where a person should be paying to send emails. Just do a quick search for free mass email software and that should point you in the right direction.
4. Email is the foundation for basic internet communication. Not everyone has an Instagram, Twitter, Songkick, or Facebook account, but almost everyone online has an email address. Keep multiple streams open for optimal effectiveness.
5. You are an amazingly talented musician. Don’t worry about the rest. Keep playing and doing your thing.
I have loved getting your emails, as they constantly remind me you are there making beautiful music for us, for the world. Although it doesn’t look like I’ve opened your email, I have. For security reasons, I have my default email settings set to “block all remote content”, which then means you can’t see if I’ve opened my email or not. But I always read them. That said, I understand the struggle to balance your creative energies with the demands of cost effective electronic communication. For all of us, if it doesn’t bring you joy–or worse, if it brings dissonance–we should let it go. I will miss your emails but life is full of changes.
i love your emails and read them…i wont do the other options…but i didnt realize it was so expensive… as someone commented—its like receiving a letter…something rare in this day and age..wishing you all the best..!
Wir haben uns über den Newsletter immer sehr gefreut und intensiv gelesen. In den letzten Jahren haben wir auch immer gehofft, dass wir dort neue Konzerttermine in Deutschland finden. Aber leider gibt es wohl keine Konzerte mehr in Deutschland. Und nun kommen auch keine Newsletter mehr. Andere Medien (Twitter/Instagramm) nutzen wir leider nicht. Schade, dass wir nun den Kontakt verlieren und nicht mehr über Neuigkeiten informiert werden.
Für die tollen Konzerte und die wunderbare Musik möchten wir uns herzlich bedanken. Sie begleitet uns seit über 30 Jahren. Namaste und alles Gute für die Zukunft
I’m sorry to hear this! I’ve enjoyed the emails because they ensure I never miss an update. With Twitter, etc., it’s all too easy to miss things. Lots of us have been listening to your music for decades. Life happens, we dip in and out, try new things, drop those same things, pick up other things, and inevitably go a year or three forgetting to check the website. I’ll try my best to actively check in here from time to time.
Thank you for your music and past emails with links to your music.
email is my main electronic communication tool – I rarely spend time on other social media platforms. I realize that you want to (and should) create and play music, not manage electronic communications. But – since you asked for feedback: as a “customer” I would enjoy seeing the email communications continue. But if you understandably decide not to, I’ll find other good ways to get the information abut your music and performances.
Thank you for your music.
Ottmar bottom line your real fans will always find a way to track you down. You offer a variety of other options so that is helpful. You do what is best for you. Thanks for keeping us posted.
I had no idea it costs so much to send out a bulk e-mail, but I understand it from a cost / benefit perspective. I read every one of your e-mails but don’t necessarily “open” them. I typically read them in Outlook’s Preview Pane, which does not provide an indication to you that I’ve read them.
I’ll be sad to see them go, but will make the necessary effort to find your news and info updates.
Like so many above, I have appreciated your mailing list and looked forward to receiving them. You have been so generous with your time and sharing your music. For me its been an easy way to keep up to date since I’m not active on social media, but this will inspire me to pursue one of the paths you’ve mentioned. I had no idea there was such a cost involved for you to send them out. Thank you for your beautiful concerts this summer.
Love getting the emails, totally understand the self promotion stuff~ I do stained glass & am not good at promoting myself either~thanks sooo much for the music~ been a follower for 3 decades~ thanks again for the fantastic music you create~