Monday Morning

02020-04-13 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

I decided I didn’t want to go out there this morning. It snowed overnight and threatened to snow more. The sky was the color of the ground, white.

I messaged with friends instead. One friend, in California, sent a video of her rescuing a swarm of bees. She was sitting in her car, wearing bee-protective gear, with a loud swarm of of bees in a couple of boxes on the back seat. Then she sent a video of her rescuing a goat that had somehow strayed onto the street. Another friend, in Santa Fe, sent photos of a hawk and a wild turkey that decided to live on his street.

If only we would use this pandemic as a new beginning. Have you seen the photos from around the world that show sights that hadn’t been seen in decades? Mount Everest in the distance, long obscured by pollution. Vistas that had been hidden by dirty air. Maybe we should not go back to business as usual. Perhaps this should be a new year zero.

1 Comment

  1. JaneParhamKatz

    Bears in Yellowstone
    Enjoy life without cars.
    African lions
    Freely roam the streets with joy.
    The Panda couple In the National Zoo
    have finally mated – free of visitors.
    Birds in Santa Fe
    Are singing brighter.
    Skies are clearer – “fish are jumpin’
    And the livin’ is easy.”
    Nature is asserting herself,
    Overpowering all weapons and wealth.
    My tears flow at the spectacle.
    I agree we should not go back to business as usual.
    Let’s do claim year zero of nature and kindness.


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