Link to Max Siedentopf’s very funny Insta post with many more ideas for survival. Check it out, he has lots of funny posts.
1 Comment
Lynne Rouillard
on 02020-04-10 at 14:33
Thank you, OL, laughter is “good medicine”! I’m of mixed race with family on reservations, and they love to laugh. A strong sense of humor seems ingrained in them and part of Native dna, possibly a survival mechanism. I’m going to follow Max Siedentopf on Instagram. I’ve also been wanting to read Norman Cousin’s book, “Anatomy of an Illness”. My copy, which I’ve had for years, arrived yesterday with other items I had sent from Santa Fe. I’ve been renting a studio there while searching for my dream guest house. And, understandably, those plans have been put on “temporary hold”. Ah, small potatoes given the current situation. Well take good care and thanks for sharing these gems. .
P.S. I’ve recently been listening to “Slow”. And, in recalling a post you once made about feedback students gave college professors about how listening to “Slow” reduced their anxiety while they were being tested, I agree. -:) And, wish I could play it for the world. Also, something about “Underground” (track #9) on your album, Bare Wood, is resonating at this time. Bare Wood & Dune are “diamonds”!! And, “Five Clouds, Lenticular” is near the top of my all time favs…
Thank you, OL, laughter is “good medicine”! I’m of mixed race with family on reservations, and they love to laugh. A strong sense of humor seems ingrained in them and part of Native dna, possibly a survival mechanism. I’m going to follow Max Siedentopf on Instagram. I’ve also been wanting to read Norman Cousin’s book, “Anatomy of an Illness”. My copy, which I’ve had for years, arrived yesterday with other items I had sent from Santa Fe. I’ve been renting a studio there while searching for my dream guest house. And, understandably, those plans have been put on “temporary hold”. Ah, small potatoes given the current situation. Well take good care and thanks for sharing these gems. .
P.S. I’ve recently been listening to “Slow”. And, in recalling a post you once made about feedback students gave college professors about how listening to “Slow” reduced their anxiety while they were being tested, I agree. -:) And, wish I could play it for the world. Also, something about “Underground” (track #9) on your album, Bare Wood, is resonating at this time. Bare Wood & Dune are “diamonds”!! And, “Five Clouds, Lenticular” is near the top of my all time favs…