Summer 2012

02011-10-05 | Uncategorized | 6 comments

We have never toured with an opening act, but there is a first time for everything.

We are excited to announce that next Summer we will tour with Round Mountain. Robby will also play percussion with Jon and I, which will mean long evenings for him. You may recall that Robby was in the 2004 edition of Luna Negra, which was one of the best groups we’ve had in our twenty plus years of touring. Jon, Robby and I played as a Luna Negra trio with the New Mexico Philharmonic this past July and it was magic!

Since Jon plays bass on the Round Mountain albums he might even join them for a song or two now and then, and I would like Char to play on a few of my pieces, since I will ask him to play on the 2012 release “Dune”. And who knows what we’ll come up with for the encore!

Jon and I have the highest respect for the brothers and this should really be a fun tour. I hope that we can find a set up for everyone on the stage at once, so that nothing will need to be moved between Round Mountain and Luna Negra. Round Mountain will perform for about 40 minutes, and then Luna Negra will play for 90 minutes.

The Sounds of Santa Fe!


  1. James

    Exciting news indeed! Sounds like it will be a great tour.

  2. Luz

    Dune? New title? If so, nice!! One of the things I love to do when one of your new cd’s come out is open a nice bottle of wine, turn off lights, light candle & incense, sit on floor, turn up the volume and be taken to another dimension. The sample of your electric guitar from yesterday has been on repeat mode both at work and home. Another intrigue of mine is song titles and looking forward to seeing how those unfold.

  3. Boris

    That sounds fantastic! Although I dig acustic music more, the Round Mountain albums are a very good lsiten. “Autumn music” for me. And see what has just started here, at least what the weather is concerned …

  4. Ottmar

    Boris: I believe you mean instrumental music, not acoustic music, yes? Luna Negra uses more electric instruments than Round Mountain – electric guitar and bass, synthesizers… However, I do agree with you, I prefer instrumental music, but RM is pretty cool. I don’t hear what they are saying anyway, I just notice the voices and the melodies. I hope audiences will get a kick out of hearing them for the first time.

    I mentioned to Jon last week that I would love to do a RM song for the encore that segues into Barcelona Nights, with me playing the rhythm guitar and Char’s accordion playing the chorus melody! That could be really wild.

  5. Ottmar

    Luz: Yes, the album will be called “Dune” and the cover will be this photo:

    The photo was taken about a year ago, around the time I posted these images of dunes. The dunes are near Mendocino, California. Photographed in the evening with natural light, no lighting.

  6. Boris

    Sure I meant instrumental music. And you know, the funny thing for me about being natural in another language than English is that – as you described it – I hardly ever listen to the lyrics which makes the vocals becoming indeed another kind of instrument for me when listening. Except for the song title, maybe. Now thinking of it, songs with German lyrics never meant much to me. I do not own LPs or CDs with songs sung in German.


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Concert Dates

Thu, Feb 13 2025 in Fontana, CA
@ Stage Red

Sat, Feb 15 2025 in Agoura Hills, CA
@ The Canyon Club

Sun, Feb 16 2025 in Santa Barbara, CA
@ Soho

Mon, Feb 17 2025 in Santa Cruz, CA
@ Rio Theater

Tue, Feb 18 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Wed, Feb 19 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Thu, Feb 20 2025 in Sacramento, CA
@ Sofia Theater


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