We arrived in Minneapolis this Morning. The bus parked around the corner from the Dakota and we had coffee at Dunn, down the street. Then, while waiting for hotel rooms to become available, I walked to Cafe Lorcat, which I remember as the Loring Cafe from the Nineties, and around the Walker Art Museum. It’s a lovely Spring day here. The sun is shining, it is nearly 70º, and there are lots of bicyclists everywhere. I think I’ll walk some more this afternoon…
Hemp for Victory — Marginal Revolution
The film has an interesting history. For decades the USDA and the Library of Congress denied that such a thing had ever been made but in 1976 Rastafarians delivered a copy to a reporter in Florida.
and I’m so sad that I couldn’t make it to your concert. I did dream about you lat night, but that’s not quite the same thing.