Tuesday – Travel Day

02010-11-09 | Uncategorized | 4 comments

Generation Why? – Zadie Smith’s review of The Social Network

Literary Writers and Social Media – a response to Zadie Smith by Alexis Madrigal

I think one of the two articles is right on and the other is the work of a hack.

I found those articles by creating a Google Alert for “Jaron Lanier”. It’s how I get much of the news I find most interesting. I have subscribed to a few dozen search terms, which can be names of people, or certain phrases.

A Google search for “ottmar liebert torrent“, which returned about 11,000 hits last year, returned nearly 47,000 last week. There are so many brave revolutionaries out there, making music free, working hard to show their love of music by giving it away. Not their own work, natch, but that is besides the point in their opinion…

Flew out of Santa Fe airport for the first time. Nice. Laid back and easy. Arrived at our Manhattan hotel at 22:00. Very hungry, after only a small breakfast! Walked ten blocks and found a restaurant where dinner was enjoyed.

Light flood (photo)

Diagram of Trump’s comb-over (photo)


  1. John Craig

    Hi Ottmar ~ Did you read “What Technology Wants” by Kevin Kelly? I think you may find it to be an enjoyable read. I read Jaron Lanier book, after you wrote about here & found it to be great, thought provoking writing.

    If you do read KK latest, I would be interested in your thoughts.

    Peace ~ Johm

  2. Ottmar

    Thanks for the tip John. I will probably pass because I find hat I disagree with KK most of the time – I read his blog for a while. That should not mean that I don’t read authors that I disagree with, but I have a long reading list and, well, they will have to wait…

    KK and Clay Shirkey have two different yet somehow converging ideas of what technology and the internet should or will do, and I don’t like their visions.

  3. Victor Hornback

    It’s fascinating to me that I work in software where people are very protective of getting paid for our programs, yet have no problem with pirated movies and music. Maybe call it a “Napster-mentality disconnect”.

    On a different topic… What motivates computer programmers is fairly universal, in my experience, and it’s the thrill of solving the problem. I thought The Social Network was a great movie and everyone will perceive the motivations of the characters differently based on their experience.

    Just a comment on the general state of communication in our society… I work with so many people who can’t hold a coherent conversation together for more than a couple sentences. Kind of resembles this post I’m about to leave. ;) Well, we are as we practice.

  4. Panj

    Thanks for ‘Light Flood’…


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