A tour through Stone Island‘s headquarters and research lab in Modena, Italy. (Vimeo)
Very impressive!
As I mentioned before, I am currently going through nearly twenty thousand images for the new slide show. Here are a few I noticed in passing:
A tour through Stone Island‘s headquarters and research lab in Modena, Italy. (Vimeo)
Very impressive!
As I mentioned before, I am currently going through nearly twenty thousand images for the new slide show. Here are a few I noticed in passing:
hohohoooo – the second pic remember me to an old foto from you like this on flickr… ;-) Herbstliche Grüße aus Bayern, Ottmar!
ottmar, what it the purpose of the string on the cactus plant?
photo 1: Learning how to share one’s sake is a challenge.
photo 2: That premature white beard adds years, doesn’t it?
Gudrun – Danke vielmals! Herbstliche Grüsse aus Santa Fe an dich!
Linda – at eight feet tall it will lean/fall without being gathered by the string.
Yumi – the second-most-interesting man in the world!
Y, I like HIS advice on rollerblading.
Yumi & Dave.
yeah… :-)