
02010-09-27 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

When I left the house on Saturday Morning the temperatur was 58ºF, or 14ºC, under a clear blue sky. The moon, fat and bright this week, seemed to follow me every way I turned Friday night, and was still hanging in the sky as I started walking.

marijose left this comment and in it a link to the Rules of T.O.M.. Thanks!

Nature is the horizon of culture.
– William Irwin Thompson

Bill Thompson also said: Cultural and spiritual transformation is larger than political transformation.

Here is a recent article by Bill Thompson – reprinted in the Upaya newsletter.

Here are a couple of insights I had last week…

Insight #1:
Change is powered by culture, not by politicians. We might say that politicians are merely part of a cultural wave. Change the culture and the politics will follow, like a dog on a leash. Investing in a politician, or a pack of them, is less effective than investing in cultural change.

Insight #2:
Politicians are usually on a one-way street: they can make things worse, but they can’t make things better. Maybe it takes a lot more energy to run uphill to improve matters? That is either inherent to the system design, or just a bad turn of events stacked upon events, turtles all the way down.

Link Drop:
I was wondering when ping-pong was going to become cool again.

That looks like it was fun!! Foodies Flock to Second Coming of Le Fooding at P.S. 1

Shinkansen Brail

Nice interview with Bill Bryson:

Bill Bryson: ‘Have faith, science can solve our problems’ – Telegraph
There never was a less chauvinist author than this gentle, genial American who, with his folksy humour, has charmed the nation, men and women in equal measure. The bestselling author of Notes from a Small Island, that quirky love letter to all things British, now lives in a large rectory in Norfolk, where he devotes a lot of time to his garden. I meet him outside a library in Norwich, and he could be one of the natives, with his unprepossessing manner and his comfy, lived-in clothes.

Here is something else I find curious:

I think the term NSFW is hilarious. Why should an employee look at websites while at work in the first place? If a person wants to be able to surf the interwebs while working, they should open their own shop, and then they won’t need the NSFW warning, would they!

1 Comment

  1. stephen duros

    Insight #1 = Brilliant!!!


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