Friday Surprise

02010-09-24 | Uncategorized | 5 comments

When I noticed this comment I wondered what was going on:

Received interesting email from CF Foundation about cancelation. Personally, I don’t care about the reason that the concert was canceled….only that I won’t get to hear you in person – again (second time that local concert was canceled in ABQ area) :0(

I wrote to Jackie and asked her to forward the email from CFF to me. When I didn’t hear from her, I contacted Linda, who forwarded me the copy she received, and here it is:


Thank you so much for supporting the CF Foundation. Unfortunately our star artist has decided to cancel our benefit concert. Ticket sales have been sluggish and we were afraid that we weren’t going to be able to cover the costs associated with the event.

We are truly sad.

We hope that if this event is rescheduled that you will join us in the future.

Thank you again for supporting us in our cause of finding a control or cure for cf.

Amanda Bergamo

This, my friends, is called covering one’s ass in my business. The person who wrote this, messed up and now she is trying to blame me. Maybe she didn’t think I would find out about the email. I could tell you what’s going to happen now, but let’s serialize this, and say… for the continuation, please tune in on Monday.

Oh, and I think that’s it for benefits for a while.


And now for the regular Friday post:

First, care.

iPad Wine Lists (NYT)

Macrobinoculars for the iPhone

Opium for the masses:

Yes, It’s True – The Internet Makes You Happier –
There are those who believe that too much time spent on the Internet makes people less social and causes them to lose touch with the real world, but a new British study released today found that access to the Internet and the web, and especially to social networks such as Facebook, can improve people’s levels of happiness. The study found that Internet access improves the overall well-being of lower-income users, those with less education and women — particularly those in developing countries — by giving them a sense of freedom and control over their lives.

Of course, the Brits also had a study in the Seventies that claimed that British women were the most beautiful in all of Europe…

‘Waiting for ‘Superman” Director Davis Guggenheim ‘Goes Deep’ Into Our Nation’s Education System Woes (WSJ Blog)

Cut back, use less, leave a smaller footprint.


  1. lindaw

    ahh, first, care: I am reading Dogen’s instructions for the cook.. when you cook, just cook. When you do dishes, just do dishes. we miss too much when we multitask everything.

    iPad wine lists.. nice, wish they would pay for it as well ;-)

    and bless you for the mention of macrobinocluars for iPhone.. this is just what I have been looking for!

    I’m looking fwd to the Monday update on the Benefits serial!

  2. marijose

    Wow. One of my neighbors has a young relative with CF, so I donate to the CF Foundation regularly. According to the NM chapter website, Ms. Bergamo is the chapter’s director. I think the Foundation’s HQ may want to hear about this – here is their contact info: . Unfortunately this sort of nonsense can give all non-profits a bad name.

    In his book American Mania, psychiatrist Peter Whybrow says there is no such thing as multitasking. We really are wired to do one thing at a time – the problem is when we think we can switch our attention quickly among multiple things. Here is a nice summary of the last chapter: .

    Schools – around here, people say “I didn’t buy a house, I bought a school district.” Several counties have some of the best public schools in the nation, but go a few miles in one direction and it’s the polar opposite. Not everyone can afford to live in places with good schools. Something as basic as education should not have to depend on geography.

  3. Adam Solomon

    Jer-ry! Jer-ry!

    Did the Brits actually release a study saying that? What bollocks and beans (or whatever they say). I actually read an interesting article a couple of years ago comparing British women to American women. The argument was that while British women are on the whole naturally more beautiful, American women have a better sense of basic hygiene – makeup, deodorant, dentistry, and the like – so while around age 18 the Brits are better looking, by their late 20s it’s the American women who are more attractive. Wasn’t a scientific study, though. I think it was on some sort of popular magazine or somesuch. I have no clue if it’s BS or not. I have met some lovely Brits my age, though.

    Leaving for England Wednesday!

  4. Carol Anderson

    I think the Internet is what you make of it, but I resent them casting women and the poor and ignorant together. almost anything cdan be an asset or a detriment in your life. I am so thankful for the ability to learn from the net, and’meet’ the people I have been fortunate enough to meet with this technology.

  5. Brenda

    yes, we shall reap much more then what we sow..positively or negatively .. the choice is ours.


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