
02010-09-20 | Uncategorized | 10 comments

Due to a situation beyond our control, the benefit concert at Popejoy Hall in Albuquerque has been cancelled. UNM/Popejoy will issue refunds. Looks like the next gigs with the band will be Florida in January.

George Eliot wrote, “It is never too late to be what you might have been.”

Wonderful article by American composer John Adams: Glenn Gould and the Flash Flood of the Mind – file under neurodiversity, musical genius, etc.

On dating writers

5 Easy Steps to Breaking Your Cell Phone Addiction

How to disconnect from your online life (((there is an app for that)))

I don’t know anything about this photographer, but I love her website. Oh, cool!

Another minimal photographer’s site. And this is a guy (((wikipedia entry))) with his own line of nice camera bags

Stephen Duros got the minimal bug, too.

I wrote about it last Thursday – so much high quality information about low quality data. Artists are the windsocks of society, the canaries in the mine. There is no way an artist can update every social media site AND create music. FaceBook, MySpace, FourSquare, Twitter and now Ping… major label artsts have more time (((they don’t have day-jobs, like a young musician might have, and they have assistents and people at the record label to update these things!))). I also feel that it is smart for artists to head in a different direction. When the herd moves West, it might be time to head North. Maybe it is because we are contrarians, maybe it’s because we notice the scent of change in the air, maybe it’s instinct…

Rode the Mariachi Bullitt to REI on Saturday Morning for their big annual sale. There had been an accident on Guadalupe and, as I found out, some oil, or other slippery fluid, had been sprayed across the ashpalt. Four tourists crossed the street, without looking (((or maybe without seeing? One can look in a direction without seeing anything))) and the car in front of me breaked sharply. I rolled past the car on the right side and neared the fourth person, the straggler. Instead of continuing he seemed to be spooked by my bike. (((old messenger habit – judge speed of cross traffic and head in between the obstacles or right after the last one))) If he had continued on his way I would have rolled past him easily, but now I had to break as well, the front wheel locked up and slid on the oil-coated asphalt but I got my left foot down, gave a good push with it, grunted “Move!” (((he did))) and got past without a spill. I continue to be impressed with the handling of the Bullitt. Oh, and I took one good look at the enormous line in front of REI and decided to skip the sale.

More bamboo cycles.

Size Norms


  1. Carol Anderson

    Thank God you’re all right. One never knows when your past learned skills might be more than just nice. Your messenger days saved you from a bad accident. You can’t always depend on a person’s response in a crisis.

  2. Ottmar

    Thanks Carol. But, if I hadn’t been a messenger, I might have given the pedestrian more space… (((and because of the slick on the street might have fallen…)))

  3. yumi

    …smart for artists to head in a different direction. When the herd moves West, it might be time to head North. Maybe…

    …artists do not truly enjoy crowds, or need a crowd.

  4. LindaW

    Thanks for the info about the benefit cancellation Ottmar… Hope all is well on the OL + LN front.

    Glad to know that you didn’t become an asphalt statistic on Guadalupe St on Saturday! REI sales on Market day are bound to cause traffic problems in that area!

  5. dave

    Whew, you almost bit the Bullitt!

  6. Jackie

    Received interesting email from CF Foundation about cancelation. Personally, I don’t care about the reason that the concert was canceled….only that I won’t get to hear you in person – again (second time that local concert was canceled in ABQ area) :0(

  7. lindaw

    hang in there Jackie… I got the same email you did.
    I’m sure that there will be a time that the show won’t get canceled!

  8. Ottmar

    Yeah, when we play in Santa Fe… :-)

  9. lindaw

    I look forward to that Ottmar… perhaps the Lensic?? :-)

  10. LindaW

    To Jackie: with Ottmar’s kind permission I am posting this to let you know I’m driving up to Denver to catch the shows at the Soiled Dove. I would be happy to have company on this trek if you want to go see the live OL + LN shows with me on June 25. There are still tickets available.

    I can be contacted via email:


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Concert Dates

Tue, Feb 11 2025 in Solana Beach, CA
@ Belly Up

Thu, Feb 13 2025 in Fontana, CA
@ Stage Red

Sat, Feb 15 2025 in Agoura Hills, CA
@ The Canyon Club

Sun, Feb 16 2025 in Santa Barbara, CA
@ Soho

Mon, Feb 17 2025 in Santa Cruz, CA
@ Rio Theater

Tue, Feb 18 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Wed, Feb 19 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s


@Mastodon (the Un-Twitter)