Check out the size of this touchscreen:
Touchscreens go mainstream for Tokyo vending machines – Core77
It appears that vending machines of the touchscreen variety could be set to go mainstream in the gizmo-mad megalopolis of Tokyo, if the new machine of local vender aCure, installed today in Shinagawa Station, is anything to go by. Vending machines and touchscreens are coincidentally, perhaps, the two favourite things of the Japanese, so it was only a matter of time really.
The first thing that came to mind was, that would make a great editing tool for music.
David Byrne compares the Interbet to hot water and makes a point for metered data:
David Byrne’s Journal: 08.12.10: “Don’t wash the dishes, I’m going to take a shower!”
Does anyone remember the days when you’d yell out, “Don’t wash the dishes, I’m going to take a shower!”? (For those who don’t, it was because a typical residential hot water heater didn’t hold enough hot water to provide for both usages simultaneously.)
Here is my take on it:
Many years ago I suggested that all industrialized nations pay Brazil to leave the rain forrest alone. A rain forrest tax. The rain forrest is important for the whole planet and yet one can’t expect Brazil not to use these natural resources when every other country already cut down their forrests to develop…
Well, here a similar pay-solution is appropriate.
David Byrne writes:
More and more businesses are emerging based on an assumption that consumers will be able to upload and download limitless amounts of data for a fixed monthly cable fee to their heart’s content. It’s like charging a flat fee for water, and then one day some segment of the population decides they’re going to water their golf course-sized lawns and also add a pool. The reservoirs, the farms and local industry would dry up and shrivel instantly.
I suggest that businesses that are formed on the basis of consumers moving great amounts of data, should pay a fee to the internet provider. Every time a video call is made via Skype, a few cents would have to go to the ISP, every time a person streams a Netflix movie a few cents would go to the ISP. Sure, Skype would have to charge the consumer something and Netflix would raise prices, but probably not much.