Wednesday Repeat

02010-08-18 | Music | 13 comments

This a repeat from last year:

This is a piece I wrote for The Scent of Light. Since it soon became clear that I had more music than would fit on a CD I didn’t end up finishing this one. The title is Two Sisters: Hope + Sorrow, and I wrote it with Rahim’s Iraq in mind. In fact I was going to ask him to play an oud solo after the bass solo, and then I would have recorded a guitar solo after that. This is a rough mix of an unfinished recording, but you will recognize the beginning, which we have played as an introduction to Duende del Amor (from Solo Para Ti) for a few years now.

You can download the 320kbps mp3 file here.


  1. Brenda

    Smiles and thoughts to think. Thanks!

  2. Matt Callahan

    Justing thinking of it now, Two Sisters and New Arabic would go together nicely on an album.

  3. Ottmar

    Matt, that’s a good suggestion to ponder. I like it. Two down and ten to go.

  4. Adam Solomon

    You posted this a year ago?? Okay, I’m officially getting old…

    And – “New Arabic”? Ignoring the fact that I wasn’t checking this blog regularly for two months, did I miss something?

  5. ottmar

    You are getting old, Adam. This was originally posted on 2009-08-11 AND you left three comments at that time… Buy a case of Geritol?

  6. ottmar

    Matt is refering to the piece I wrote about here, which has turned into a complete song and was the opening piece for nearly all of our Summer tour.

  7. Luz

    Ok, Adam I am even older than you and I remember this song from a year ago. A beautiful piece and one of my faves. Love the title and curious as to how title come to be named. It was an interesting conversation at HOB with another fan before the concert.

  8. Luz

    Correction: I remember both pieces Two Sisters and the opening piece for the summer tour-of which I was looking forward to hearing. Can’t wait to hear the finished piece and see the title.

  9. Boris

    Hey guys, what about at least trying to DESCRIBE the development of the “new arabic” instead of only leaving such comments! There is a hungry rest of the world apart from the western and south western US ;-)

    Speaking of “describing” music, did you know that perfumers have their own vocabulary of describing a scent? They use expressions like, “I scent a white in there”. And Issey Miyake’s “A Scent” is said to be a “green” perfume.

  10. Y.

    Boris said, “…did you know that perfumers have their own vocabulary of describing a scent?”

    Y. said, “Yes, of course=Scent of Light.”

  11. Adam Solomon

    Maybe some people here are older than I am :) I didn’t mean I’d forgotten it, I was just saying it seems like you posted it more recently than a year ago!

  12. yumi

    O, did Thursday bring a potpourri of discussion?

    Bingo flashbacks (but, I loved bingo when I was a little girl), music amnesia and recall, scented music.

    For Boris: the (scent) music is masculine in wear. Aromatic woods that will at the mid notes, dry down to a subtle smokey essence. The minute detection of spices adds to the depth at the heart of this sound (fragrance), creating a warmth at the end.

  13. Brenda

    Yes, little girl bingo – B I N G O was his NAME O – I loved also, but I do not like BIG GIRL BINGO (over 18) SMILES :-)


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Concert Dates

Tue, Feb 11 2025 in Solana Beach, CA
@ Belly Up

Thu, Feb 13 2025 in Fontana, CA
@ Stage Red

Sat, Feb 15 2025 in Agoura Hills, CA
@ The Canyon Club

Sun, Feb 16 2025 in Santa Barbara, CA
@ Soho

Mon, Feb 17 2025 in Santa Cruz, CA
@ Rio Theater

Tue, Feb 18 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Wed, Feb 19 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s


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