Tuesday in Santa Fe

02010-08-18 | Photos | 15 comments

Plans for 2011:

We are considering a look back at 21 years (3 x 7) of music. A Greatest Hits show of some kind. Current favorite idea: setting up a Bingo cage (((preferbly an old one, with a microphone catching the noise of the balls turning in the cage))) on stage, containing balls with the names of 40 popular songs from the 25 or so albums I have released. When the time comes, I might call upon you to help us select the 40 songs. At the beginning of the performance, and in between songs, I would turn the Bingo cage to select the song to be played. Depending on the venue perhaps an audience member could be invited to turn the Bingo machine. The band would have to learn 40 songs, but that could be done with a couple of weeks of rehearsals. The set, perhaps 15 songs per full performance (((meaning, not in clubs))), would be different every night!

Album releases:
I will finish the re-working of The Santa Fe Sessions for a Spring release. We will also record a new album, which will contain the new piece we started our performances with (((most recent tour))). I think Stephen Duros will have a new album in 2011, well worth the wait! And I have found a very promising, and completely unknown, guitarist who lives in Turkey and France – one of his parents is French, the other Turkish – who will make his debut on SSRI next year.

Wild sunset last week. One can see the rain in the distance:

That’s a water bottle, standing on a rug, in front of a lamp.

Marginal Revolution: What is emblematic of the 21st century?
A recent reader request was:

What things that are around today are most distinctively 21st century?  What will be the answer to this question in 10 years?

Click here to read Tyler Cowen’s picks. Interesting choices, possibly right on, but not very exciting, are they?

P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » Crowdsourced curation, reputation systems, and the social graph
Crowdsourcing is the only curatorial/editorial mechanism that can scale to match the increased ability to produce that the Internet has given us. As the former “consumers” become “producers”, we’re going to see better and better implementations of reputation systems, and better integration with our social graph, because they are the only mechanisms that are feasible, but also because we just love to share. Twentieth century mechanisms for curating/editing are built for a top-down, mass-production age, and they can’t keep up with us, the former audience, as we make the leap into production.”

Hm, I am not looking to have a mechanism, based on reputation systems and a social graph, tell me what to watch, read or listen to.

The Internet is not even twenty years old. What will it look like in a hundred, in five hundred years? Will comments keep accumulating at the current pace, meaning that each item on any shopping site, each video on YouTube, will have been littered with millions of comments? Will comments older than twenty years be deleted automatically? Will people, those who have survived climate change, water scarcity and so on, still use an Internet of some sorts, or will it have disappeared altogether? We stopped using it, because it didn’t work. Just a big bathroom wall, really, with scribbles and taunts and insults and advertisements from billions of people.


  1. Adam Solomon

    Oooh. I like the tour plan :) How would you pick the songs for the lottery? (Perhaps input from the loyal fans on this here blog?) Anyway, make sure you come out to England because I’d hate to miss it!

    Your new album and Stevo’s in one year? Great. Isn’t it unusual for the band to record two new albums within the space of ~1 year? It was a long time between La Semana and The Scent of Light… though I guess POP followed fairly quickly after that, in retrospect.

    Old YouTube comments and other relics of the 2000s internet will never be deleted – the anthropologists wouldn’t allow it!

  2. ottmar

    Ha! There was a long time between “La Semana” and “The Scent of Light” because I recorded and released “Winter Rose”, “One Guitar” and “Up Close” in between!

  3. Matt Callahan

    How soon they forget

  4. Adam Solomon

    Oh I vaguely remember those :) I was referring to the full-on LN albums, though I guess Winter Rose and Up Close count as those too.

    Out of curiosity how did you discover this Turkish/French guitarist?

  5. ottmar

    I generally do not listen to recordings people send me. A few weeks ago a friend in Istanbul, who I have known since we played there in 1996 and 1997, told me about this guy and subsequently sent me a demo, which I liked a lot. By the way, we’ll perform in Istanbul again next year! I am really looking forward to it.

  6. Boris

    Oh! Finally the last cornerstone of a reason to visit Istanbul. Just spend the evening with a colleague whose parents live in Ankara and she will go there next week. Would love to join and continue to Eastern Anatolia which is not possible at the moment. Anyway, if it will end up in some more European venues, adding Brussels might be worth it. Pretty exciting city, I’d say. Architecturely wild.

  7. Brenda

    Would there be a story that prompted the “Bingo Idea”?

  8. Luz

    I’ve been looking into visiting Europe next year-especially the Netherlands to catch up with a fellow fanmenca-Kym that I haven’t seen since the solo tour in Seattle a few years back-of which I know Matt remembers very well! ;-) Boris, if time allowed I’d travel to Brussels as well for a chance visit or we could always meet in Istanbul!

  9. LindaW

    I will not be able to make it to Istanbul next year but I will definitely look forward to catching Ottmar Liebert + Luna Negra’s “2011 BINGO TOUR”.

    Wonderful idea!!

  10. Brenda

    I must admit, your music can not be caged within a bingo ball and when I think of bingo, well I think of a room filled with addiction of nicotine and gambling drones justing anticipating the next number mechanically stamped on a deadend dream. How’s about the “Wild Sunset Tour”?

  11. Ottmar

    Brenda, I have never played Bingo, have never been to a Bingo hall, and have only a foggy notion of how the game is played. I imagine the sound of the balls in the cage and like that the setlist is put together by chance, anew every night. I think you have a distaste for Bingo, based on experience perhaps, that I don’t share, since I have no experience with it.

  12. Brenda

    Yes, I have never played Bingo but…. I spent (11) eleven years, “working Bingo as the Banker and Tip Seller” just so my children would be allowed to attend a parochial school. I have never played Bingo but unfortunately I can run a bingo game,do all the licensing, government and financial reporting. UGH…………… I cared so I shared with you.

  13. Carol Anderson

    Ipplayed it a few times way back when my exhusband was doing the calling, and I was totally embarrased to win a couple times.
    Bingo’s no fun, because you have to pay attention and no one can visit. What’s the point of that? The things you win aren’t worth the lack of conversation.

  14. Brenda

    The payouts were $125.00 a game with $500 Jackpots; and yes sometimes the Hotball reached over $4,0000 but I agree Bingo’s No Fun.

  15. stephen duros

    WOW!!! Amazing sunset photo!!!!


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