This is how some Flamenco guitarists roll up the string ends. They can, after playing the strings for days or weeks, take them off and reverse them, putting this end through the bridge. It saves money on strings and is useful because many Flamenco guitarists use olive oil or vaseline on the fingers of their right hand, which deadens strings rather quickly. If you watch footage of Paco De Lucia you might see him touch the upper bout of his guitar, where he has placed a little dab of vaseline, from time to time, and then rub the fingers of his right hand together.
I rolled the strings because I forgot my wire-cutters on the bus.
A gift from fans who came to our performance in Santa Barbara. Seemed the appropriate bottle for Las Vegas. I learned that the label was painted using wine instead of paint – artists web site: Christina LoCascio. The cork was covered with wax. I enjoyed the wine.
Neo Bohemia: Fixed Gear Coincidence
Very unique and very nice. And painted with wine. Incredible.
My brother Don and my son Michael are two more with birthdays this week. Michael was born on Friday the thirteenth.