- Peter Gabriel: 'It doesn't have anything to do with witchcraft!' http://bit.ly/aZ1urb – interesting interview #
- The World's Luckiest Cyclist (video) http://is.gd/cAqWX – he was probably on the phone & didn't notice… or chanting…. #
- Ireland asks Israel for safe passage to Gaza http://is.gd/cAqHU very interesting… #
- BP ordered to pay for Louisiana dredge project http://is.gd/cAqDj right on! #
- Asthma risk linked to burgers http://is.gd/cApB6 #
- Walled Garden http://is.gd/cA5jt #
- Sticky Rice is 1,500 Year Old Secret to Super-Strong Chinese Buildings http://is.gd/cz3Ii #
- http://is.gd/cyTqu #
- Wanna see a big hole? http://bit.ly/cmnb8W /via @GreatDismal #
- Wilburys – from old producer saying: "we'll bury it in the mix" Genius name. #
- Look out your window, that grass ain't green. It's kinda yellow, see what I mean? Traveling Wilburys. Great albums. #
- #BP ad from 1999. http://bit.ly/cBvoeu /via @caschy #
- http://is.gd/cwiFK Empathy Test #
- Students Show a Dramatic Drop In Empathy http://is.gd/cwive #
- http://bit.ly/b6n4Wz (via @jhalifax) #
- Japanese wins pizza-making contest in Italy – http://bit.ly/9WY63U -in Naples even. #
- Santa Fe doesn't have much of a Spring anymore. Between Winter and Summer we merely have the windy season. #
- Being slightly outside of tradition creates space for possibilities. /via @yuuzen #
- Monk observes fireworks: http://bit.ly/bBq8sd #
- Chile in breakfast burritos @ SFe Baking Co. now so mild – only a tourist enjoys them. Website 4 locals that shows who has the hot chile? #
- http://bit.ly/bBGR4K /via @jhalifax #
- BBC News – Creativity is akin to insanity say scientists
http://is.gd/ctTUj. Ha!! # - Boycott Petroleum logo http://bit.ly/dzKPZX #
- New BP logos: http://bit.ly/9btFcz #
- What a gorgeous day! The ocean is filled with the most beautiful rainbows! /via @BPGlobalPR #
- http://tinyurl.com/36cwee7 @BPGlobalPR in The Guardian #
- We've created something that will affect your children's children. Can YOU say the same about YOUR life? /via @BPGlobalPR #
- “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.” -Dorothea Lange /via @yuuzen #
- Food in Istanbul http://www.marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2010/05/food-in-istanbul.html #
- First rain in weeks. What a scent in the air! A bottle of red from Priorat would go well with that. #
- Of course, bp cares about the fishing industry as well. Now, all tuna from the gulf coast comes pre-packaged in oil. /via @BPGlobalPR #
- I love the sudden silence from a blackout. It's like those scenes in a movie when the music stops and the film switches to slow motion. #
- http://bit.ly/baA4GO. Diving in the Gulf. A nightmare. Pass it on. #
- The common consensus among musicologists is that we've been listening to Robert Johnson at least 20% too fast. – http://is.gd/crBsn #
- Architectural Model Greeting Cards http://is.gd/crBdj beautiful! #
- I cleansed the mirror of my heart – now it reflects the moon.-Renseki http://is.gd/crB0p one year . neo bohemia #
- http://is.gd/cqdOK augmented London #
- NYT on Stieg Larsson and his Millennium series:
I am about a quarter into the third one. # - http://bit.ly/ck0HHT – needs Lego minfig scenes, mounted upside down on the ceiling. #
- Woke up late. Glass of black coffee. Reading news. Then bike ride. #
- Pantone Hotel. Color company does hotel. http://is.gd/cpWrR #
- Neal Stephenson to launch interactive novel for the iPad http://is.gd/cpWfu #
- iPaint? Hockney. http://is.gd/cpWbM #
- Imogen Heap says touring's too pricey as record industry sales slump http://is.gd/cpVXf #
- Oil rig inspectors took company gifts, watchdog finds http://is.gd/cp7Ug #
- A bailout for #BP 's #oilspill Tell the Senate to just say no with @truemajority and @usaction #p2 #topprog http://bit.ly/dqweJR. #
- Awareness is attention expanded 360 degrees – Bernie Glassman #
- http://www.tricycle.com/blog/?p=1782 #
- It seems to me that people with real knowledge don't leave comments on youtube or amazon. Only the people who think they know do that. #
- This week: lilacs bloom, hummingbirds return, and my roof was fixed. #
- The Epicurious app for iPad is nice (((and free))) and the iPad the perfect size to follow recipes. #
- Lanier says The Singularity is the nerd version of The Rapture. /via @GreatDismal #
- Done in Phoenixville. Onwards to Annapolis. #
- Why do sound guys always only count to two, I asked at BBKing's this afternoon. Because on three you have to lift, said one of the locals. #
- iPhone, Gizmodo, and moral clarity about crime – CSMonitor.com http://instapaper.com/ze2voqzo #
- Somebody should do a drinking tour of Manhattan's architecturally interesting and design-intensive watering holes. So many!! #
- Dinner @ Malatesta, then a drink @ Morimoto, because it was designed by Tadao Ando, with a wall of water bottles by Russ Lovegrove. #
- Rainy grey day in Manhattan. Perfect for setting up iPad which was just delivered to hotel. #
- Bit of print history
http://instapaper.com/z8fk4wyX # - Needed some movement. Walked 160+ blocks in Manhattan this afternoon. Legs and body feel great, soles are a little tender. #
- http://j.mp/atASz8 #
- Tour mgr scored us a day of free net because we had to wait in the lobby for an hour. That'll be enough to activate iPad tomorrow. #
- Why genius isn't in the genes http://instapaper.com/zXhjpiyi #
- Genius isn't in the genes http://www.guardian.co.uk/theobserver/2010/may/02/david-shenk-genius-genetics #
- Sitting backstage after the concert & signing @ the merch table. Pleased w the sound of the band – stops & changes direction on a dime. #
- I want a scan of that newspaper. Rumors are amazing. I find them fascinating and entertaining. #
- The person recently found out that friends had since seen me perform in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and that I am in fact alive. #
- Tonight, after the concert, I was told that in 1994 a paper in Sedona allegedly printed that I had died in a car crash on the Autobahn. #
- http://founditinabar.com/ #
- Woke up early in Manchester. Coffee @ J.Dubs. A little nervous but excited about the first show tonight. #
- Afternoon tea. I find Earl Grey too strong a flavor and blend it with Darjeeling. Perfect. #
- Listening to final master for production. #
- When will the new album be released you ask? http://bit.ly/c18U4D #
- In 2002 it might have taken me 30 min to explain an edit to my engineer. I now do it myself in 5 min & with a touchscreen, it'll be 1. #
- When pointing out a place, do you use your index finger or words? Exactly. The touch screen will rule. #
- Fake historical sign: On this site in 1890, no home stood. This place was built a century later. #
- The new album is mixed. I feel so light today, I think I could jump tree-high! #
- Big temp drop. The next wave of snowflakes will stick. #
- Suicidal snowflake attack! #
- Garden at Dusk now has a bass whale swimming in it. #
- More snow. Amazing. #
- Recording Robby on djembe this morning. #
- Ah, warming up cold hands on a hot cup of coffee after an early walk. Glorious Morning. #
- Hands tired. Played guitar for six hours today. #
- The icicles that glittered in the moonlight yesterday have melted. And the moon is hiding behind clouds. #
- In the clear moonlight, the icicles appear more precious than any stone. #
- More snow, wet and heavy, bending the limbs of trees. Finishing "The Godfather of Kathmandu". #
- Gabriel Orozco seems to be a city/urban counterpoint to Andy Goldsworthy. Interesting show of his up at the MoMA now. #
- The coffee at Gimme! on Mott is still the best in town. And I found a replacement for the cap I forgot on the plane in Tokyo. #
- Promised snow storm started early and I left Santa Fe for ABQ, where I'll catch a flight to NY tomorrow. #
- Cleaning the kitchen to Beethoven's 9th. #
- AT&T claimed there would be roaming in Japan but that wasn't happening. Now arrived stateside. #
- We are about to leave on a walk-about (train-about?) in Tokyo. #
- Skymall offers a "Telekinetic Obstacle Course"!!! About to puddle-jump. They had the Japanese food option available. #
- Drove to Albuquerque yesterday evening. Flight left just after seven this morning. #
- Any suggestions for Tokyo? #
- Entering Santa Fe from the South, the Moon is a horizontal sliver. The bottom is hidden behind a mountain, the top is obscured by a cloud. #
- A couple of nice jams with Roy Rogers last night. Couldn't play together today because he had another gig to go to after his performance. #
- Reading Orhan Pamuk's newest. While the book isn't available yet, a sample can be found on Kindle. #
- October slideshow: http://bit.ly/1Aw0Gr #
- benefit performance in california next week: http://imbcr.org/ #
- Snow! #
- Last hour of a four hour layover… #
- Tomorrow's agenda: 27+ hours of travel #
- Railway stations are cathedrals of mobility. Leipzig Central Station: http://bit.ly/15KFzz #
- Walked around the Leipzig train station this morning. It is Europe's largest station, when measured by floor area. #
- Puddle jump commences in 30 minutes. #
- Stage one completed. Arrived on East Coast. Now lunch. #
- We have tickets to fly from Vienna to Munich via Berlin, but that actually takes longer than the train! Might need new travel agent… #
- The first thing I'll do when I get to Vienna is to arrange train tickets to Munich. #
- Almost packed… #
- Cold first Autumn Morning. #
- End of Summer rain with hail. #
- The sinking sun lit up a silver weather balloon floating above Santa Fe. It was either rising or falling, I could not tell which. #
- The peg holding the G-string slipped right at the beginning of "Snakecharmer" last night, but the rest of concert went well. #
- Arrived in Los Gatos. #
- Listening to "A State of Wonder" – Glenn Gould #
- The "Under the Rose" webpage is live: http://bit.ly/IwQKB #
- Snagged the last green chile croissant. Drops from yesterday evening's rain still on the broad leaves. #
- Santa Fe. Rain. Desert scent. Recording of Till Fellner playing Bach. Evening. #
- Second half of "Under the Rose" now available. #
- Hiked up around 11,500 ft. early this morning. Photos on Flickr. #
- Nice to know that 23 years of experience looking at the sky here works better than some radar-jockey's prediction. :-) #
- There is a storm warning for this evening. I don't see it in the sky and rode my bike to dinner. #
- Too late again, for a green chile croissant. #
- Line-repair scheduled for this afternoon. Then back on the interwebs highway… #
- Bella looks cute, wearing old t-shirts to keep wound clean. #
- Nope. Just a tiny trickle of the interwebs. I see more on-hold-music in my future. #
- Still no internet. That's so 20th century. #
- Sunshine and rain. At the same time. #
- Clear morning, after off-and-on rain for two days. The air is fresh – frische Luft! I am having a green chile breakfast burrito. #
- Indian market. Town bursting. I'm staying in. #
- Riding bike, finding coffee. #
- ABQ reached. Almost there. #
- A little closer to home. Waiting for gate to become available. #
- Watching TV for the first time in a long while. Actually it's not TV, it's HBO. #
- Secured hotel rooms. #
- We are going to have to spend the night in Newark. Yeah! #
- Flight cancelled. Nice. #
- Finished reading "My Name is Red" by Orhan Pamuk last night. Wonderful book. #
- Yeah! Gimme! coffee on Mott. #
- Tonight after the concert somebody told me I am insane. But since it was a teenager who said it with a smile I think that's good. #
- If playing guitar is my devotion to the instrument, then sitting in meditation is my devotion to the universe. #
- The One World Theater's ice machine stands outside, in 106 degree weather. Not very One World, is it? #
- 55 minutes to showtime. #
- Passing windmills. Headed to the yellow city. #
- Rolling alongside railroad tracks through Texas. #
- Yeah, getting shore-power in Aspen! Every venue should have to provide shore-power for busses. All is well. #
- Aspen drivers removed no parking signs placed by the club to reserve a space for our bus. #
- July slideshow now up: http://bit.ly/rzQxu #
- Interview for Aspen: http://bit.ly/102Wm3 #
- Received photos a friend took @ the Lensic last month. Will post soon. #
- Finished a fourth novel about Istanbul and am searching for Ottoman recipes now. Must go back to Turkey. #
- Nice breakfast @ Sanborn near venue: German pancakes w fresh figs and goat cheese. #
- Nice to have a day off today. Beautiful sunshine in Seattle. #
- Twenty minutes. Do you know where your ears are? #
- 2 x 90' performing + 60' or more of practicing = a lot of sitting. My back hurt during the 2nd show. #
- 90 min sets @ The Triple Door tonight through Friday. #
- Had to try the "Kölsch" offered at a local brewpub. Waitress corrected my pronounciation. Whatever it was, Kölsch it was not. #
- Approaching Eugene. #
- Haikus are easy/But sometimes they don't make sense/Refrigerator – seen on t-shirt in Santa Cruz #
- June Slideshow: http://bit.ly/RFBT6 #
- Rrrrolling into Rrrreno. #
- 112°F in Vegas today. Prediction: 1st domed city in the USA, in thirty years. #
- The phone number I had been given was off by one digit. Problem solved, interview done. #
- Yesterday @ Celebrity in Phoenix. Worst interview ever, w local TV. How to answer this: who is your least favorite member of your band? #
- A phone interview w the local radio station was set up, but the digits lead to a non-working NV-Energy number. Curious. #
- Intermission in Phoenix. Am wearing different ear monitor inserts. Less comfortable but I can hear myself better and am playing better. #
- In keeping w tradition we took more pix of Stephen in front of the Celebrity Theatre sign today! #
- Just finished signing @ Anthology in San Diego and everyone was so nice. Not a single photo request. This would make an interesting study. #
- The new arrangement of "Borrasca" is a very nice addition to the setlist. It's a lot of fun to play!! #
- Slow soaking rain. Beautiful. #
- Second show here @ the Rrazz room. Love playing that guitar. Like having a conversation with an old friend. #
- I guess I will need to start packing. #
- Just found 30 CDs recorded live on tour in 2004. There seem to be CDs hiding everywhere. #
- Sitting in the studio and shooting timelapse of candles burning down. #
- The honeysuckle scent is strong this evening. #
- Watching the fan's shadow circle on the floor. Its movement lets me be still. #
- Watching a fan's shadow circle on the floor. Eating green chile croissant. #
- watching soundless again #
- Stood outside and stared up. Saw a bright shooting star in the southern sky. #
- Rumors of a San Antonio show in August… #
- After the Rain. #
- Coffee in treehouse. #
- Rehearsal was excellent. Guitar played itself. This evening: pizza 'n' beer w El Duros. #
- Rehearsal w Jon, Stephen, Michael & Robby. Plays itself!! #
- Nearly 24 hours w/o Internet. Interesting. #
- Listening to Ahmed Dickinson. Working on new slideshow. Heating chicken soup w lots of green chile. #
- Pea-sized hail in Santa Fe. #
- In ABQ. Apple genius fixed my laptop. Won't have to send it in. Yeah! #
- Closing in on Santa Fe. #
- I have lots of images to upload, but this hotel's wi-fi sux & it will have to wait until I get home. #
- Candlelight creates an interesting backdrop for Jackson Pollock. #
- Cabbie loves English. He talks a lot in English. And I don't understand most of it. #
- Choices result in taste. Taste defines a style. Style creates a narrative. The narrative defines the self, which is nevertheless empty. #
- Having coffee in the village. #
- Went to MoMA w Stephen this afternoon. Great show. Might have to go back tomorrow. Too much for one day. Enriches the rest of the day. #
- Looking at photos I took of Stephen last night in the Village & Soho, between sets @ the Blue Note. #
- Morning red eye – medium drip coffee with a shot of espresso. Contemplated riding the subway to Gimme Coffee on Mott Street, but didn't. #
- Halfway point. We have played 6 shows @ the Blue Note with 6 to go. #
- Finger still OK. Not better, not worse. #
- Bought needles and peroxide @ CVS & was able to remove most of the two splinters in my right middle finger. #
- Back at hotel after playing for a private party by myself. #
- If the bird flu and the swine flu mix will the result be the flying pig flu? #
- Bus dropped us off & we moved into hotel. Rooms w small kitchens, so we don't have to eat out every meal. #
- It was JG, hero of the people, who prepared the coffee maker. Am drinking coffee and reading Swedish novel. #
- Somebody set up the coffee maker with coffee and water for this morning. How nice. It's perculating now. #
- Onwards, to the Big Apple. #
- Infinity Hall. Acoustics 10 (out of 10).
Audience 10. Food 10. Band's playing 10. # - Doesn't do the venue justice, but here is a phonecam shot: http://yfrog.com/0fq5zj #
- Stevo, Rusty (who shoots film) and I have been taking lots of pics of the hall. It's quite spectacular. #
- Wow! The Infinity Hall in Norfolk is quite wonderful. Instant favorite. #
- Alan's Android didn't know where we were. My iPhone delivered location and nearest coffee destination near instantly. #
- Just the song of birds and the children playing in front of Cambridge city hall. That would be nice. #
- How quiet and civilized cities would be w/o the sound of combustion engines. #
- Current reading: "The Possibility of an Island" and re-reading "The Diamond Age" #
- Finished reading the first two Eunuch Yashim/Istanbul 1836 novels. Waiting for the third to be released for Kindle. #
- Walking around Cambridge. #
- Stevo, I say the band rocked tonight! #
- New stage photos (from Buffalo) on Flickr. #
- Spicy Thai green beans are very nice with a glass of champagne. #
- RT @EchoesRadio: Awaiting the arrival of Ottmar Liebert and Luna Negra for an Echoes Living Room Concert on a crappy, rainy Monday. #
- Finished recording at the Echoes studio. Played four songs. Turned out quite well, I think. Will let you know when it is available. #
- Great second show tonight Stevo. The Bulerias sounded nice. #
- Rain, rain, rain, and more forecast for this week. #
- Ended up shaking lots of hands last night as the venue asked me to stay and sign. #
- Coffee ("Eye-Opener", "Shot-in-the-dark", "Red Eye") in Buffalo #
- What would it sound like if a couple of musicians from New Zealand collaborated with Doctor Fink (((Prince and the Revolution!))) and OL? #
- Very good rehearsal. Now to packing… #
- On Monday: new rough mix of a unreleased and unnamed bossa from the sessions for "The Hours Between Night + Day". With a Koto-solo. #
- Reading white paper on computer playback http://bit.ly/1WBez #
- Back from walk. Stopped at the Tea House for a cuppa tea. #
- Listening to Stephen Duros tracks for his next album – on Ultrasone headphones. #
- http://twitpic.com/3ht30 #
- Snow flakes are rushing toward the warm ground like moths to the flame. #
- Breakfast burrito at SFe Baking Co. Perfect on a grey Spring morning with snow. #
- Am listening to this: http://bit.ly/MSX6P #
- It was very cold. Even the dressing room is only 62 degrees F. #
- This place is strange. For the second time they brought people into the dressing room. No more – locked the door. #
- Turned Michael on to Buika. #
- Intermission @ the Coach House #
- Just introduced Rusty to two social activities he was not aware of: stealth disco and flash mobs. #
- Had to shorten the performance because the Canyon Club wanted just one 90 minute set. Went a little over with the encore. #
- Soundcheck. – done. Bathroom – working. Outside – cold and cloudy. #
- Canyon Club: one of the two dressing rooms was turned into storage and the only toilet backstage is broken. Nice. #
- The band sounded great in Palm Springs on Tuesday. Everyone was happy to hear that Alan recorded the concert. #
- Time-lapse from last Saturday's soundcheck in Torrance: http://is.gd/pTWO #
- Was going to show you the new timelapse from soundcheck on Saturday, but at upload speeds of 4kb per second that might take days. #
- Shot 1,673 photos before and during soundcheck. Made timelapse vid, set to Moonlight, that turned out well. #
- Coffee. Found. After walking 3 miles. #
- Load-in Livermore. #
- Barstow. Listening to rehearsal recordings and charging phone for interview. #
- Reading Gary Snyder's "Back on the Fire" on the iPhone Kindle. Good thing it has unlimited bookmarks. #
- This piece should get you going for the weekend: http://bit.ly/GyCg4 – I promise something more mellow for next week…. :-) #
- Should I release new music for Ottmar-Friends on Mondays, Tuesday or Fridays? #
- Woke up at 1:30. Found a book and read until 5AM. #
- A bit from yesterday's rehearsal can now be heard in the Ottmar-Friends Journal: http://bit.ly/Yvmx9 #
- Yeah, I have been wanting to hear a stronger beat for a while now and I think we will have that this year. #
- Nice rehearsal with drummer and Jon yesterday. Look for a snippet on Ottmar-Friends tonight or tomorrow. #
- Warm + sunny now, but snow storm warning for tonight and tomorrow. #
- Sitting on the roof of my house w camera & tripod. Clear sky. Freezing. Lovely moon. Click of the shutter. #
- Too warm and sunny one day and then snow. Life on a mountain. #