Tuesday is a Travel Day

02010-05-11 | Photos | 2 comments

Arrived at home. Very windy. Cherry bloosoms gone, but I am quite content having seen these in Norfolk:


Mark commented on May 11th, 2010 at 08:08:
When can we start seeing presale for the new music?

The answer can be found here. :-)

Chris commented on May 11th, 2010 at 09:13:
Not really a comment, but more of a query. Pray tell, what is that electronic device on the tripod stand next to the black chair and microphone? I’m a gear junkie…tryin’ to figure out what the pros use for a live performance. Thanks very much!

We don’t use a monitor engineer. Instead we each have one of those gadgets to which our FOH engineer sends all of the instruments. (((you can see the handwritten instrument list on the tape above the switches))) We each create our own monitor mix. The device can memorize sixteen setups, which means that one could have presets for small clubs, medium theaters, large venues and so on. I generally stick with one basic mix that I modify at each venue. I took this photo in June of 2005, when we first started using them:

In 2005 I wrote:

This year we are using these little monitor mixers. They are hooked up to the main digital FOH board via ethernet and allow each of us to change and store our own mixes, eliminating the need for a monitor engineer. We could plug directly into these, but prefer the limiting capability of our Shure monitor amps.

We have also used the Avioms with wireless Shure montor packs before, but since none of the members of the trio move much, we prefer the better sound of the wired packs.
Sunday Evening at the Ram’s Head in Annapolis:

Photo by Salma, from this set on Flickr.
Malcolm Gladwell on re-reading:

True sentences
Re-reading is much underrated. I’ve read The Spy Who Came in from the Cold once every five years since I was 15. I only started to understand it the third time.
(Via Marginal Revolution)

I enjoy re-reading books as I seem to perceive the story differently every time.
Alex Ross interviewed film composer Michael Giacchino, who spoke about the musicians in the orchestra, recording music for films:

Giacchino Outtakes I: Credit Is Due
A lot of times musicians are treated really badly in this business. They’re generally not invited to premières, or even to cast-and-crew parties. And you don’t see their names in the end credits. It’s pretty much the only job on the crew where you gotta practice twenty or thirty years to be able to do what they do. Yet so many other people get to see their names up there, including, you know, the guy who brings the doughnuts. Not to diminish the guy who brings the doughnuts! We like him, too! But the musicians are a huge part of what makes a movie work. I always tell them, “Listen, I can put all these black markings on this page, but without you guys all I’ve done is mess up a piece of nice white paper.” So I try to make them feel appreciated. And we try to have fun doing what we do. I want this to be as fun as when I was ten years old, when “Star Wars” had come out and I was playing those LPs all the time and I’d decided I wanted to make movies for a living.
(Via Unquiet Thoughts)


Modern samurai on steel steed? Found here.

Gulf Spill: Did Pesky Hydrates Trigger the Blowout? – ScienceInsider
Methane-trapping ice of the kind that has frustrated the first attempt to contain oil gushing offshore of Louisiana may have been a root cause of the blowout that started the spill in the first place, according to University of California, Berkeley, professor Robert Bea, who has extensive access to BP p.l.c. documents on the incident. If methane hydrates are eventually implicated, the U.S. oil and gas industry would have to tread even more lightly as it pushes farther and farther offshore in search of energy.

Drillers have long been wary of methane hydrates because they can pack a powerful punch. One liter of water ice that has trapped individual methane molecules in the “cages” of its crystal structure can release 168 liters of methane gas when the ice decomposes. Bea, who has 55 years of experience assessing risks in and around offshore operations, says “there was concern at this location for gas hydrates. We’re out to the [water depth] where it ought to be there.” The deeper the water, the greater the pressure, which when high enough can keep hydrates stable well below the sea floor.

And there were signs that drillers did encounter hydrates. About a month before the blowout, a “kick” of gas pressure hit the well hard enough that the platform was shut down. “Something under high pressure was being encountered,” says Bea—apparently both hydrates and gas on different occasions.


David Hockney turns the iPad into an art form
Hockney told the London Evening Standard he had been drawing on the iPad in the upstairs bedroom of his home after graduating from the smaller iPhone.

The artist, who is known for experimenting in his work with faxes, photocopies and Polaroids, said he saw the iPad as a way for drawing by hand to make a comeback rather than an indication that the new technology would lead to the skill diminishing.

“The iPad is far more subtle – in fact it really is like a drawing pad,” he said. “They will sell by the million. It will change the way we look at everything from reading newspapers to the drawing pad. It can be anything you want it to be. This is the nearest we have got to seeing what I would call a universal machine.”
(Via Guardian Art)


  1. Boris

    Re-reading … yes, and you discover different layers. Some books need to be reread! Take Thomas Mann, for example. Quite heavy reading experience the first time but amazes you again and again every time you go back.

  2. dave

    Re-reading…definitely. As we grow we can find different meaning & pickup on something possibly missed in prior reading(s).


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Concert Dates

Sat, Feb 15 2025 in Agoura Hills, CA
@ The Canyon Club

Sun, Feb 16 2025 in Santa Barbara, CA
@ Soho

Mon, Feb 17 2025 in Santa Cruz, CA
@ Rio Theater

Tue, Feb 18 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Wed, Feb 19 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Thu, Feb 20 2025 in Sacramento, CA
@ Sofia Theater

Fri, Feb 21 2025 in Napa, CA
@ Blue Note Napa

Sat, Feb 22 2025 in Napa, CA
@ Blue Note Napa


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