Friday in Santa Fe

02010-04-10 | Uncategorized | 6 comments

I uploaded the March slideshow. You can find it here. Please click on the fullscreen symbol for maximum enjoyment. I have been looking into html slideshows, so that the photos can be viewed on mobile devices that don’t support Flash, but they either don’t advance automatically or they don’t dissolve nicely…
I added a page for the new album. The official release date is June 15th.
New York, New York. I love the city, but playing there with the band became a drag last year, when a new law was issued: a bus pulling a trailer is no longer allowed in Manhattan. As a result we have to leave the bus and trailer in New Jersey and drive into the city with the gear in a rental van and the musicians in a couple of taxis. Not fun.
Behold, wild custom scooters from Japan.

William Gibson
The writing worth keeping happens within a matrix of mysterious but crucially related activities. I might order myself to write for X number of hours per day (though in fact I never do) but the writing worth keeping can’t be ordered to happen at all, let alone for X number of hours per day. It has to be teased out. Fed.

The music worth keeping can’t be ordered to happen at all, let alone for X number of hours per day. It has to be teased out…
Track number 4, “On the Road to Shiraz”, starts with the sound of dawn on a dusty street. It’s a gritty sound, gritty like the sand on both sides of the road. At the end of the road beckons Shiraz, the Persian garden city, home of the Sufi poet Hafez. The gritty sound returns at the end of the piece, when we realize that we are no closer to Shiraz, because we whiled away the time dancing and talking.


  1. yumi

    The cd cover looks great and the titles for the music, fresh!

  2. Panj

    Beautiful pictures and it is so good to see Bella. It looks like she had a wonderful roll…:-)
    Can’t wait to hear the new Music…
    God Speed!

  3. Adam Solomon

    I’m with you on New York – love the city, hate City Hall :)

  4. Boris

    It is so funny. I do have OL tracks on my lap sufficient for a lifetime. Wonderful music. But everytime a new album is about to be published I find myself browsing through my collecting, remaining dissatisfied, only wanting to hear the new, fresh schtuff. It does feel like spring atm. Like Innamorare somehow.

  5. kaz

    Love the cover! I’m curious after looking at some of the titles to match them up with some of the songs that you already enchanted us with. Jump?? I bet it’s the Bm one (my favorite yet). So I guess I’ll have to come down again and see you somewhere on the East coast.. maybe New York…I hope I won’t bring the Canadian cold like I did in Florida ;) …sorry! Let me know if you need a lift from NJ to New York..I’m in! ;) Ciao !!

  6. Brenda

    I have enjoyed this past year of Ottmar-Friends, it is always fun to wonder what the day will bring when I enter the password with anticipation of your written thoughts, shared photos, music created , and yes everyone’s comments. Nice of Ray of Sunshine in Time and Space! Thanks and Smiles to each of you.


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