Tuesday in Santa Fe

02010-03-17 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The arroyo below sounds like a fast mountain stream today. Water is racing down the canales, as the snow on the roof melts. Three leaks are dripping, two in the house and one in the garage. Those damned flat roofs my dad always exclaimed. More work in the studio. The icing on the cake, the little things, the surprises, that make repeated listening more interesting.
Le Whif: As Sweet As Chocolate, As Light As Air
Now in coffee flavor, with the equivalent amount of caffeine of a double espresso. The kick of coffee without the cup, they say. In one of his books Bruce Sterling described a bar of the future, where people inhale alcohol, because it enters the bloodstream quicker and does not damage the liver in the process. Pretty funny, that.

Copenhagenize.com – The Copenhagen Bike Culture Blog: The end of favoring motorized transportation at the expense of non-motorized
This is the end of favoring motorized transportation at the expense of non-motorized.

Read that again…

This is the end of favoring motorized transportation at the expense of non-motorized.

Who said THAT?

None other than United States Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood in this blogpost.

Forget about bicycles, racecars or motorcycles, I think this has got to be the biggest rush. I love this photo of a ski jump in Oslo! Beautiful! The record is held by a local, who jumped 141m. That’s over 462 feet!

Dezeen » Holmenkollen ski jump
The Holmenkollen ski jump by JDS Architects has opened in Oslo, Norway

Viral marketing at its finest.


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