Sunday in Santa Fe

02010-02-28 | Photos | 1 comment

Tonight will be a full moon.

Whatever we wear,
We look beautiful,
When moon viewing.

– Chiyo-ni

Wine from the Priorat, swirling:

Makeshift drip-catcher at the Jon’s studio this past week… right above Michael’s head. It turned out to be the skylight, which was fixed in the afternoon.

More snow this Morning:

My orchids keep blooming:


BBC News – Whaling worsens carbon release, scientists warn
Whales store carbon within their huge bodies and when they are killed, much of this carbon can be released.

US scientists revealed their estimate of carbon released by whaling at a major ocean sciences meeting in the US.

Dr Andrew Pershing from the University of Maine described whales as the “forests of the ocean”.

From an email conversation about creativity:

I feel that there are two major movements, one towards more (complexity, dispersion, entropy, more of everything, less is bore) and one towards less (simplicity, essential, wabi-sabi, less os more)… and creatively we move back and forth between those poles. The Scent of Light, for me, was more, and this new album may be less.

It’s like a great movie, switching from a macro detail to an amazing overview, from the anthill to the cosmos… and back. From a detail to the grand picture.

It’s one of the really big parts of all creativity, whether it is in poetry or film or music.

In zen, it’s considered very important to be able to switch perspectives with ease, and that switch from complexity to simplicity and back is an important one.

A good soup is not made with just one ingredient. Many different things have to come together, herbs, spices, vegetables and meat. Maybe the onions are sautéed in oil first and then stock is added – meaning that even making a soup may be a mix of different techniques: sautéing followed by boiling.

There are times when we can’t see how these parts fit together. In a way we ARE the combination of different parts and interests. There isn’t one thing. It may seem convenient to be or have one thing, but that would be an illusion anyway.

1 Comment

  1. Brenda

    Whatever we wear,
    We look beautiful,
    When moon viewing.
    – Chiyo-ni
    Wow! Wisdom to remember again and again. Thanks!:)


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