Wednesday Music

02010-02-24 | Music | 2 comments

Here is last week’s rehearsal of a, still untitled, tune. We performed this in Saratoga last fall, in Japan in November and in Florida in February. And still no title! On the setlists it was identified as Nu Bm Rumba, but it seems more like a funk-pop thing with just a little bit of rumba… Who knows! I realized last week that I have no idea where this music we are rehearsing and recording came from!

You can download the 320kbps mp3 file here. Please do not distribute in any way. By all means, do share it with your mother or partner or closest friends, but please don’t make it available on the internets…

I just came back from our first recording session. It went well and we laid down several versions of four different songs. We’ll continue tomorrow and Friday and finish up Monday and Tuesday. Normally I would be listening to the music right now, but since my DigiDesign 192 (analog-to-digital converter for Pro Tools) is at Jon’s studio for these sessions, that will have to wait until next Tuesday. Hopefully we will have good takes of each piece by then.

For Victor: today we started out with the M-149 about 13″ away from the soundhole, but moved it further back because I was clipping at the 35db setting – maybe another 4″ back. As you know, the Martech MSS-10 changes mic gain in increments of 5db, so it’s best to move mic a little than to lose 5db. I am usually aware of how hard I strike the strings and can stay within a given dynamic range. It is easier when I record rhythm and melody parts separately than when I record everything at once, as we are doing now, but it’s turning out nice sounding.


  1. dave

    Great! Another one for the Creme Fraiche playlist.

  2. Panj

    I remember that number well, from Saratoga…only the Crickets are missing and perhaps the length. I believe it might have been a bit longer when you all played it there…Thanks!


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