Saturday in Santa Fe

02010-02-20 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Making lemonade… will have to check this show out.

Hasan Elahi: Tracking Transience
After new media professor Hasan Elahi was falsely accused by a neighbor of being a 9/11 terrorist accomplice in 2002, the Bangladesh-born American underwent six months of scrutiny from the FBI. Turning the tables, he personally documented the minutiae of his everyday occurrences now on view in a project called Tracking Transience at the Santa Fe art space SITE.
(Via Cool Hunting)


Oxfam: Tajikistan on the Brink from Climate Change : TreeHugger
The already harsh life of Tajikistan’s large population of rural poor will be “dealt an even harder blow” by extreme weather and water shortages in the coming decades, according to a new report by Oxfam International on the Central Asian nation, which the World Bank had previously named the region’s most vulnerable country to climate change — and the one with the least capacity to adapt.

How long before international courts are chocking from the barrage of lawsuits initiated by stricken countries, (((countries with grand-scale crop failures or islands that are disappearing under water))) desperately trying to get help from the countries that have contributed the most to the emissions that have lead to climate change? I’ll give it five to ten years.
Very funny.


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