Edge 312
Dyson continued to articulate his vision for a new age of biology in a related article (“When Science & Poetry Were Friends”) in New York Review of Books in which he wrote:“…a new generation of artists, writing genomes as fluently as Blake and Byron wrote verses, might create an abundance of new flowers and fruit and trees and birds to enrich the ecology of our planet. Most of these artists would be amateurs, but they would be in close touch with science, like the poets of the earlier Age of Wonder. The new Age of Wonder might bring together wealthy entrepreneurs like Venter and Kamen … and a worldwide community of gardeners and farmers and breeders, working together to make the planet beautiful as well as fertile, hospitable to hummingbirds as well as to humans.”
That could become interesting: amateur genome artists/experimenters. And then? Genome biotech kits recommended for ages 15 and up. Look ma, I created a mouse with 8 feet! Isn’t that cool!
However, I do like the notion of bringing arts and science closer together.
A History of the California Cycleway
The following article, as printed in the November 1901 issue of Good Roads Magazine, was originally published in from Pearson’s Magazine: California’s Great Cycle-Way, by T. D. DenhamDuring the 1880’s, 1890’s, and the first few years of the 20th century, the Bicycle Craze prompted many innovations that would soon be adapted for the automobile. One innovation was described in the following article about a bicycle freeway, built before the term “freeway” was coined.
The South California towns, Los Angeles and Pasadena, are now connected by the strangest and most interesting of links-a magnificent, elevated cycle-way, with a smooth surface of wood, running for nine miles through beautiful country, flanked by green hills, and affording views at every point of the snow-clad Sierras.
On this splendid track cyclists may now enjoy the very poetry of wheeling. At Pasadena they may mount their cycles and sail down to Los Angeles without so much as touching the pedals, even though the gradient is extremely slight.The way lies for the most part along the east bank of the Arroyo Seco, giving a fine view of this wooded stream, and skirting the foot of the neighboring oak-covered hills.The surface is perfectly free from all dust and mud, and nervous cyclists find the track safer than the widest roads, for there are no horses to avoid, no trains or trolley-cars, no stray dogs or wandering children.
Poetry expressed as architecture. Spanish architect Calatrava designed a beautiful railway station in Liege, Belgium.
You can find photos here and here (Wikipedia).
Helmet cam!!!
Nikola Tamindzic
“ Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I’ve ever known.
— Chuck Palahniuk
Kawamura Ganjavian – SCENTER
One particular scent can bring back more memories than a thousand pictures. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to store smells the same way we store photographs? SCENTER is a depository of scents. Concentrated personal fragrances can be stored inside compact cartridges, their scent being released through a nozzle upon pressing the bellows thus evoking the memories embedded in them.
I love the photos. How delightful! I can picture Y. carrying one with her 24/7 and adding little vials of scent-memory.