Thursday in Santa Fe

02010-02-12 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

Rehearsing again today. This will be the first album we can actually perform from start to finish, because it was written and arranged for this trio. Jon remarked that there were always songs on our albums we could not perform at all, no matter how large the band. Not so this time.

I realized that I am happily swimming in an unfamiliar sea, one where I have to arrange the music, and we have to rehearse it, before it is recorded. The landscape is different, and, not surprisingly, the results are different and fresh.

We have plenty of music for an album. Next week Michael will set up his own kit and Jon will mike it up according to his plan. Jon has become a remarkable engineer, easily surpassing most of the engineers I have worked with because of his musicality. (((Rahim recognized that as well and has been recording his next album at Jon’s studio))) We discussed drum sounds and all agree that we want a natural sound, using mostly overheads and just a touch from the mikes on individual drums. Next week should be an interesting step up in the sound… and then we should be ready to record “for reals”, starting next week or the following week.

The river streams quickly
but the moon’s reflection is not washed away

Saw this in my notebook. Don’t know the source.
David Hockney On Photography

You can’t look at most photos for more than, say, thirty seconds. It has nothing to do with the subject matter. I first noticed this with erotic photographs, trying to find them lively: you can’t. Life is precisely what they don’t have- or rather, time, lived time. All you can do with most ordinary photographs is stare at them- they stare back, blankly- and presently your concentration begins to fade. They stare you down. I mean, photography is all right if you don’t mind looking at the world form the point of view of a paralysed cyclops- for a split second. But that’s not what it’s like to live in the world, or to convey the experience of living in the world.
(Via Joiners: Time Passing in Still Images)


Google to Offer Superfast Net Service –
Google said Wednesday that it would offer ultrahigh-speed Internet access in some communities in a test that could showcase the kinds of things that would be possible if the United States had faster broadband networks.


In a post on its corporate blog, Google said it planned to build and test a high-speed fiber optic broadband network capable of allowing people to surf the Web at a gigabit a second, or about 100 times the speed of many broadband connections. Thase trial could be offered in several communities and extend to as many as 500,000 people.

Take a fresh look at an old classic…

(Via Beyond the Beyond)

Click to download: The blogs bite back | Media | The Guardian
As the technology writer Nicholas Carr wryly concluded on his blog (, the survey “put a big fat exclamation point on what a lot of us have come to realise recently: blogging is now the uncoolest thing you can do on the internet

The gloss of the internet, the shiny newness, the exciting promise is slowly rubbing off, and people simply go on with their lives, which are certainly different now, but mostly the same. I wonder how many people started a blog in the past five years, only to abandon it later. Google must have a number and I bet it’s rather large. I think that’s the natural effect of something new. We learn how it fits into our lives and whether it fits at all. I find that I am constantly adjusting my impression of what to do and not to do on the internet.
Maybe he was on crack or maybe he’s got Tourette’s… I wonder whether he gets so many interviews, because he always ends up saying something really really stupid that sells magazines. Then I wonder whether he ever gets embarassed about the stupid stuff he says, or whether he is one of those people who love being in the limelight more than anything else, and it doesn’t matter why the light is trained on him – as long as it is.

Although, I have to say there are clever interviewers out there that make it their sport to guide their victims into a false sense of comfort, where they feel they are talking to a friend, rather than an employee of a magazine. So, what we have here may be a combination of a stupid John Mayer and a very clever journalist.

John Mayer apologises after using N-word in Playboy interview | Music |
Musicians slate singer-songwriter after a bizarre interview in which Mayer claims to have ‘a white supremacist dick’

Maybe he is embarassed after all.


  1. yumi

    “Singing in the Rain”:
    Like how the door “folds” as he turns in the beginning (the warm color of her coat, the light inside) to the outside, how his hand movement extends and when the taxi becomes a compact vehicle.

  2. dave

    Perhaps it should be retitled “Singing in the Acid Rain”.


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