The Glass Armonica, another Ben Franklin invention, here played by French musician Thomas Bloch.
(Via the music of sound)
I have no problem with the following idea:
Slashdot Your Rights Online Story | Kaspersky CEO Wants End To Online Anonymity
“Eugene Kaspersky, CEO of well-known computer security company Kaspersky Labs, is calling for an end to the anonymity of the Internet, and for the creation of mandatory ‘Internet passports’ for anyone who wishes to browse the Web. Says Kaspersky, ‘Everyone should and must have an identification, or internet passport … the internet was designed not for public use, but for American scientists and the US military. Then it was introduced to the public, and it was wrong … to introduce it in the same way.’ He calls anonymity ‘the Internet’s biggest security vulnerability’ and thinks any country that doesn’t follow this regime should be ‘cut off.’
I also have no issues with an identification required for the Internet. Its gotten too crazy online. Its time our little “Cyberia” got a bit of regulation.
I suspect this is what Microsoft had in mind way back in 98-99 when “Passport” was created. A method to identify yourself to sites and others as “who you really are”. OpenID is also on the right track, but it has to be made mandatory.
Unfortunately Mr. Kaspersky didn’t seem to have any ideas as to how to implement his idea, or how to protect the information that would be required from users of his “Internet passport” in case of hack.
It’s not like Internet security guards can stop someone with a “Stand and deliver or we will DDOS you”!
(but yes, we DO need something)