Neo Bohemia Slideshow

02009-06-18 | Photos | 3 comments

Y. made a slideshow for neo bohemia, but said that it wouldn’t play for some reason. I tried posting it to this Journal and it seems to work fine… I was going to remove the slideshow once I could see whether it was working, but it looks nice and I hope Y. will let me keep it here.

Check out the incredible “Ottmar” calligraphy, inspired by this post about Xu Bing.


  1. Brenda

    WOW! So Special! I just love how you take time to share a glimpse of life. So Very Nice! Thanks so much for sharing your creative talents. Sharing is always so welcoming.

  2. Gudrun

    Wonderful! Some of the photos are full of softness and sensitivity. Sehr ansprechend! Thank you, ochazuke (Y.)!!

  3. dave

    That was nice to come back to the office to.


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