Friday Travel

02009-04-17 | Music | 15 comments

You CAN travel without moving!

Download the 111MB .aif file Travel Sound Collage here.

In this piece you will hear the following locations: der Kölner Dom/the Cologne cathedral – listen for the large space and a coin dropping in a donation box, the main railway station in Cologne – listen for announcements and the ICE (beautiful German highspeed train) opening its doors, a farm in Austria – listen for the pitch fork delivering hay to the cows, birds in Cologne…. and much more. I mixed the sounds, all recorded with a SoundDevices 722 digital recorder in April of 2007, in form of a collage. Found Sound. For some of the recordings I wore my OKM microphones (((check out their recording samples here))). I mentioned the OKMs in my Diary before. They look like little earphones and are worn like those. Wearing them, my ears shape the incoming sound – a process similar to the Neumann K100 binaural head we used to record Up Close (((that album was recorded at 24/96 and if there is interest I could make one song available in the form of a 24bit AIFF or FLAC file))).


Found on Matt’s Flickr


  1. Matt Callahan

    This will be fun to play with.

    As far as an Up Close file, I’d say either Cocteau or Underworld. The paper ball being batted around or the match being struck would be cool in all that space.

  2. Adam

    I’ve always been a fan of “Three Days without You”, even before I heard the album version with the most brilliant texturization *ever*

  3. yumi

    Yes, that paper ball.

  4. Carol

    mmm, what a great way to travel while sitting here drinking coffee.

  5. Steve

    I would LOVE a 24/96 Binaural recording…

  6. Luz

    Love the sound of the church bells. I remember traveling through Europe years ago and everywhere you heard church bells. I wish we had more of that here in the the states. Also, love the high speed rail of which the U.S. is too far behind in having such transportation. I would love to go back to Europe again and take in all the sights and sounds but till now this collage is a wonderful reminder.

  7. James

    Very enjoyable to hear this beautiful sound journey “through your ears”, Ottmar. And such great gear you have too (((notices a tingle of envy))). Would love to listen to one of the Fritz recordings at 24/96! Have you seen the Cologne soundmap: ? Found that via the Acoustic Ecology Institute website at Interesting content to explore there…

  8. Ottmar

    James: thank you, those are great links.

  9. yumi

    That was great, from the beginning to the end.

  10. Gudrun

    I’m listening the bells from the sound collage and the sunday bells from the church nearby my house – it’s touching.

  11. Panj

    Haven’t gotten to this soundscape yet, but did listen to ‘1993’ very early yesterday morning as i finished another book by Henning Mankel…perfect blend!
    …i had just decided that ‘1993’ would be perfect sleeping music also…well until the roller coaster screams…LOL…too funny! Next, this soundscape…Thanks…

  12. Boris

    Nice! I was wondering if you recorded the humming of the bees in the trees near the town where your Dad lived … It’s so funny to hear the German voices in the train stations – same as in the 1993 file. For me it’s not traveling without moving, it’s a sort of home when I listen. Traveling without moving for me is going from Santa Fe 2 Chama or from Chama 2 Santa Fe. Going for walk on Agua Fria or La Acequia Madre is also wonderful. :)

  13. Kaz

    It’s incredible how the resonance and remembrance of some sounds rekindle such magnificent memories. Thank you for the journey! Listen closely to feel far away!

  14. Panj

    …was so enjoying the church bells ringing and then those beautiful cows mooed out…it made me squeel with delight…danke Ottmar…:-)))

  15. Brenda

    Wow! Many sounds that I hear daily where I live, birds in the morning when I wake, not passenger train (Amtrak does pass through couple time weekly) but trains hauling cargo that criss cross all of the city, and yes outside my work window church bells on the hour and half hour. About half hour away, yes the of cows. Amazing!


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