[flv:090415-OL-Soundcheck.flv 475 267]
You can also download the 210MB 720p version.
Stevo made this clip (you can see him filming in this video, between 1:20 and 1:30) during soundcheck in Torrance last month. I play part of The River followed by most of Prelude #3 by Villa-Lobos. The sound was captured by the little microphone in Stevo’s camera and sometimes you hear the guitar itself and sometimes you can only hear the sound of the guitar over the P.A.
I stopped playing when heard that the guitar was turned off in the P.A., a sign that Alan had finished adjusting the guitar sound. Hm, I should have finished playing the piece…
Nice clip. Looking forward to the May 8 show. Will you be playing the Villa-Lobos song?
Yeah, probably during soundcheck… :-)
Thanks Ottmar, this is a nice surprise!
(I would love to be a fly on the wall during a sound check ;-) )
Though I have been your friend since 1997, now I am officially your friend.:)
It was really refreshing to see you play my favorite song ‘the river’. I am really looking forward to seeing you in Annapolis on May 5.
Many thanks for sharing part of you.
Thank you Ottmar, and thank you Stevo for capturing this very unique moment at sound check. What a great idea! As a fan, I must admit that these moments are very special….
TIMMY!! ;)
Nice, looking forward to seeing you guys in a few weeks.
Thank you for clearing up the mystery that Steve was taking a video.
At first, I thought it was a new sound check ritual:
“For a good show, with measured steps, walk slowly and evenly, once time clockwise around Ottmar.”
Ok, so I had a slow moment…
Hello Mr. Duros: Thanks so much!