Thursday Rehearsal

02009-03-19 | Uncategorized | 7 comments

Spring is here. Very warm today.

Found these blossoms in town. My Casa Monte Frio is always a week or two behind most of Santa Fe.

I love notes like this one:

i heard of you long time ago. but honestly, i’ve never taken time to listen to your music, until a couple of days ago.
i am writing a novel at the moment. and your music perfectly syn with what i am writing. Thanks for the inspirations.
btw, i am in hong kong. the other side of the world from you.

I was hoping to perform in HK this year. That might not happen, but there is still a good chance I might make it to Tokyo in the late Summer.

Breakfast @ CC with Jon. In the course of our conversation we solved several problems that plague the world at present. But, somebody should set up a microphone at our table, because we later forget which problem we solved and how we did it.

Rehearsal with Michael until 13:30. Jon and I are both very excited about the new band and are looking forward to touring. MC adds a great groove to the music. Worked through new arrangements of Up Close: Beginning, The River and Streetlight.

Added my Letters to a Young Musician to this Journal, including a new fifth one. Just click on the category on the right or here.


  1. Matt Callahan

    While scanning ahead, I read “MC adds a great groove…” Hold on. I have provided no such groove. I don’t remember any groove.

    Then Flickr explains it all.

  2. Ottmar

    It seems to be popular combo, M + C:
    Mark Clark, Matt Callahan, Michael Chavez…

  3. Matt Callahan

    Perhaps I missed my calling as a percussionist?

  4. Jason

    Ottmar, How about Far North Queensland [Cairns] some time? Regards Jason

  5. Ottmar

    Jason: I would love to! Now we just have to find an Aussie promoter who will want to do that. But that’s easier said than done. The cost of transportation is high and so it has to be a national promoter who can put quite a few dates in cities in Australia together for it to work. We had an offer for me to come to Australia to a number of cities later this year, but we could not make the numbers work. I do enjoy coming to Australia (five times already, I think) and am sure it’ll work out this year or next.

  6. James

    Happy spring beginning, may everyone enjoy the transition from winter. What do you think of posting a binaural recording of the new band’s practice?

  7. Carol

    I think it’s just right the way God ( er nature ) takes turns lighting up each area. We are always a bit ahead of the area just across the river with our lilacs and apple blossoms. I always hope the plants and birds know what they’re doing. I have tulips up and the lilacs are leafing out already.
    Your photo is a wonderful preview of things to come !


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